It was half an hour before all had bid them goodnight and the young Ophilion were finally in their beds – the girls in one room and the boys in another.


Celli raised herself on one elbow and looked to her roommate. "Jenna, is all of this real? Did you know about this before? My mind is still trying to calculate it all and understand what's really happening."

"Celli, I never knew it was like this," Jenna said. "I only saw an agent that one time. I really had no idea that the other dimension was so real, so..." she cocked her head and half smiled, "real and surreal at the same time. This is as new for me as it is for you. I'm glad we can experience it together."

Celli smiled and nodded.

"What did you think of Galian?" Jenna said as an afterthought.

Celli's eyes widened. I've never seen anyone like him, she said with a smile. His eyes are so..." her eyebrows lifted.

"I know what you mean," Jenna said. The girls giggled.

"All of them are so beautiful!" Celli exclaimed, "Kylor, for example."

They giggled some more.


"What did you think of Takea?" said Fel.

Orion smiled, "Yea, and what about Cathandra."

They laughed.

"I can't believe it," Fel said, "they're all so beautiful!"

"It's amazing," Orion said, staring at the ceiling. "I wonder if we're really here, Fel, or if we're dreaming, and tomorrow we'll go back to work at Tur-Lam 64 and meet in the cafeteria and plan the next game."

"We'll find out when they wake us up for the morning meal."

Orion chuckled, "Yea, I guess we will."

The four Ophilion closed their eyes and were asleep in a matter of seconds.


Celli heard a knock at the door, then it opened and someone said: "The morning meal is ready."

"Yeah, mom," the girl said groggily. This was the worst part of her day – the return to her bleak reality from the dream world: one of her sources of freedom and beauty. "I'll be right there... what time is it?"

"Three and zero."

"What!" Celli sat up with a start, "I'm late! What happened to my alarm? Mom, why did you let me sleep so long? I could lose my operator's position!" She rose quickly, swung her legs over the edge of the bed and made for the door. Then stopped short. She faced an alien being with raven hair and crystal blue eyes. Celli drew in her breath sharply and two tears involuntarily streaked her flushed cheeks. She placed her hand to her lips. "I thought it was all a dream," she whispered, "I thought I was late for work."

Cathandra reached out and pulled the girl close. Celli felt the soothing strength of the Meloria permeate her chest. "You are on the Antarious, darling, and you are not late at all. There's no need to rush." Cathandra gently brushed her tears away.

"So, everything that happened... last calah..." Celli tried to determine the time, "it was all real?" She looked searchingly into her trainer's eyes.

"Yes," Cathandra replied, "all of it."

Celli embraced her tightly, clinging to her new reality.

"As soon as you are ready, I'll be waiting for you in the morning meal room," Cathandra said, "It's just down the hall. And after that you will come to my quarters."

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now