minho cocked an eyebrow.

"yeah? i know. thanks, lixie." minho chuckled slightly.

felix just nodded and sat back in his chair as their homeroom teacher started calling out the names in the role.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

hours past and minho was on his way to the cafeteria.

he'd left class later than everyone else since his social studies teacher decided she wanted his self esteem to decrease and tell him how shit he's been doing in the class lately.

he was already grumpy enough from his stupid limp and the voice in the back of his head saying he's contracted an std and has failed his poor mother.

thinking the day couldn't get any worse, it does.

it sure does.


"oi, fag!" a sudden voice echos throughout the hall.

minho stops abruptly and sighed, cursing under his breath.

"i'm really not in the mood, wonsik." minho grumbled as he heard footsteps walk towards him.

"aw, too bad so sad, huh? what's going on in that thick head of yours, hm? anal not doing you well?" wonsik laughed as he hit minho on the back of the head.

minho groaned and clicked his tongue.

"just fuck off, my sex life is none of your fucking business!" minho spat as he glared at the boy now in front of him.

wonsik laughed.

"so i was right? is that why you have that pathetic fucking limp? psh- be a fucking man, minho." wonsik spoke harshly.

minho just looked down at the floor and bit his lip.

"big ole bang chan isn't here to help you again. guess he just wanted a quick fuck, aye? just like everyone else-"

minho just shook his head.

wonsik smirked and walked closer to minho, getting into his personal space.

then suddenly, minho gasped.

"maybe i might even tap that ass." he whispered into his ear as he grabbed minho's ass and squeezed the flesh.

minho jumped and pushed the boy away.

"don't touch me!" minho practically screamed.

wonsik was about to reply, but suddenly voices were heard coming towards them.

they both looked over at the direction of the voices.

and before minho could do anything, wonsik pounced at him and pushed him into the lockers.

"you don't say a fucking work, got it?!" wonsik growled.

minho just nodded and felt wonsik pull himself away.

"good faggot." wonsik spat before quickly walking off.


minho just stood there, staring blankly at the wall in front.

the owners of the voices walked passed minho and paid no mind to his distraught expression.

nobody really cared anyway.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"anyway, as i was saying- binnie has been acting so weird lately! it's like he wants-"

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