"Because of our lack water guns, Zayn and Liam, you can use water bottles." Harry explained.

Liam and Zayn nodded and went searching for the water bottles.

"Should I get one too? I don't have a gun." I said.

Louis nodded and I took two water bottles. Zayn, Liam, and I filled up our water bottles with water and reported back to our places.

"Same rules apply. The team most soaked by the end of the time limit loses." Niall confirmed the rules.

"The time will be two hours." I state. No one disagreed.

"Every team go find a place to start, and we'll see who wins." Liam said while we all ran in different directions.

Harry, Louis, and I hid outside on the patio. "If anyone is in trouble, just shout a bird noise and help will be on the way." Louis said.

"Got it." I smiled. "Good luck out there." I stated while I heard screaming inside the house. Louis went out around the back of the house while Harry went towards the front. I boldly walked in from the door we came out from.

The lights were all out and it was dark. I crept around towards the living room. I saw movement. I held up the water bottles ready to squirt. From the corner of my eye, I saw movement again. I quickly twisted towards it and squirted the water in that direction. I ducked behind the couch. I heard panting that wasn't mine. Footsteps were approaching me. The next thing I knew, water was being brutally sprayed at me.

I shrieked and tried to find my way back outside. I was successful. I closed the door behind me, and I heard laughing from the inside. I ran towards the back of the house where I saw Louis run. While I was running, my shirt stuck to me. It was uncomfortably wet. At least it was summer and warm outside. I found Louis entering the house.

"Louis!" I whispered loudly.

He quickly turned around and walked towards me. "Whoa! Who got you already?" He asked pointing at my shirt.

"I'm not sure. It's dark in there." I said.

"Oh. Good thing I brought a flashlight. I took it from the kitchen." Louis said holding it up.

"Lucky. That'll be useful in there." I pointed to the house.

"Yeah. Well, let's go! Let's kill some people." Louis said running up to the door of the house. I chuckled and followed behind him. We slowly entered through the door. There was whispering. Louis shined the flashlight to where the noise was coming from. I saw blond hair peaking up from behind the couch where I was attacked.

It was Niall whispering to Juliann. They quickly took notice of the light and tried to run away, but Louis and I sprayed them both.

"I'll get you!" Niall grunted and we ran out of the room. Water was flying towards us as we left, but it missed. Louis and I ran back outside where we ran into Harry.

"There's only a few more minutes left." Harry informed us.

"Really? It only feels like it's been five minutes." I said.

"Yeah time flies. So, get as many as you can with the remaining time." Harry said. Louis ran around to the front of the house to look for more people to get. Harry stayed with me. "I see you got hit." He stated staring at my shirt.

"Yeah. Well, so did you!" I pointed at his shirt and his soaked hair. The curls stuck around his forehead, and I gently pushed them aside from his face.

"It's a bummer you're wearing a dark shirt today." Harry said with a smirk.

I giggled and squirted some water at his face."Hey!" Harry exclaimed.

"Sorry." I said sarcastically. "You were being a piggy." I said smiling.

Harry laughed. He took my hand and we ran inside the house. "Everyone in here, outside now for final minute!" He shouted and we ran back outside and waited.

Zayn walked out the door with wet clothes and hair. Liam soon came after almost completely dry. Louis walked around the house with wet hair and a damp shirt. Niall came out with Juliann almost dry except for their hair.

"We all have to get rid of the remaining water." Harry simply stated. He took the water gun and sprayed it at me as well did everyone else.

"Why?!" I shouted trying to wipe the water off my face.

They all just laughed and I started to join them.

"Let's go inside." Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

We all walked back inside the house. It surprisingly wasn't that wet inside. It was quickly dried up with towels.

The boys changed into dry clothes while Juliann and I sat in wetness.

"You can always change into my clothes." Harry said.

"It's ok." I said shivering from the cold.

"No, it's not. Come here. Both of you." Harry said motioning us towards his room. He pulled out some female clothes. "Here you go, Juliann. My sister has some clothes here."

"Thank you!" Juliann said running off into the bathroom to change.

"Well, what about me?" I asked.

"Here's a t-shirt and some boxers." Harry said handing the items over to me.

"Thank you." I quietly accepted. "Turn around. I need to change." I said.

"Fine." Harry said turning around to face the wall.

I quickly changed out of my clothes and put on Harry's. He was turning around before I had finished.

"Nice underwear." Harry winked while I pulled up the boxers.

"Harry!" I shouted while slightly laughing. I punched him in the arm.

"Ow! You can't help a guy from staring. You are absolutely stunning." Harry smiled at me.

I started to smile at the ground. "Thank you."

Harry came up behind me and started hugging me. "Just know that no matter what anyone says, you are always beautiful. You have to believe me when I say that." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled. I turned my head to see him. His green eyes were staring right into mine. I leaned in and kissed him gently. He turned me around so I was facing him and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he pulled me in closer. I rested my arms on his shoulders.

I pulled away from our kiss and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I whispered the words.

"I love you, too." Harry said holding me tighter.

"Let's go back and join the others." I said.

"Ok." Harry replied letting go of me.

We joined the others in the living room. Juliann was sitting right next to Niall and I noticed he had his arm around her. It was sweet to see that because I knew she liked him a lot.

The night was coming to an end. The other boys left, and they even took Juliann home. I didn't leave, though. I hadn't had alone time with Harry in ages. We were talking, and still catching up from everything that had happened within the past few years. It was nice to spend time with just him.

After a while, we both got tired and decided to go to sleep. Since we'd shared a bed before, it wasn't a big deal to do it again. We laid next to each other and my eyelids fell heavy, and I fell asleep.



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