Maria and I exit the train. At the station's edge, I glance around, taking in the views of the city.

"Have you not visited Arkford before?" Maria asks, clearly noticing my curiosity.

I try to hide my shock. The Fe I am pretending to be would not be all too surprised by Arkford, given that she served in Magewell. Still, I shake my head. "You'll have to lead the way."

"Let's head down toward the main market, then," Maria says. We leave the train station and head north, further into the city.

I walk carefully alongside her. We pass several other servants with heavy baskets in their hands, most likely also performing chores for their families. Occasionally, I pass someone else from Landiani, which is a relief to see given that I often feel I am the only Landiani individual in Esterpool. Though a part of me is desperate to make eye contact whenever I see someone from my country, I keep my head down and continue walking alongside Maria.

What overwhelms me the most in Arkford is not the loudness or crowds but the military presence. Some time in Esterpool has made me forget how prevalent the military is and how they seem to engulf the city here compared to my hometown of Tetoa. There are soldiers, some from Landiani included, at every street corner, either patrolling, grabbing a bite to eat, or shopping like Maria and myself. I comment to Maria about the amount of soldiers.

"There's a military base a few blocks down," Maria explains. She points ahead to a large stretch of wide brick buildings. "This is a popular city for training. Plus, it's near the Landiani and Flumensian borders."

"Oh," I say, the realization suddenly hitting me. Thankfully, Maria doesn't question me any further. Instead, she turns the corner, leading me down to the main marketplace street of Arkford. Though just as busy as the market in Tetoa, there are no swaying palm trees or crashing waves in the distance to add to the ambience. The marketplace in Arkford is hot and crowded, and a lingering unpleasant smell invades the area. Though Maria seems eager to explore, I am suddenly looking forward to leaving the area as quickly as possible.

"What's on Alba's list?" I ask. "Should we split up and each take a few items?"

"Don't be ridiculous. This is your first time in Arkford, right? We should take our time and explore together," Maria says. I force a smile in response and remain by her side.

Alba's list is fairly straightforward. On the list are new towels, fresh soap, sewing supplies, a water vase, and the other usual amenities that I see often around the estate in Esterpool.

"If there's anything that you would like for yourself, do not hesitate to buy it," Maria tells me.

"Do you often shop for yourself?" I wonder.

"Yes. Sometimes I buy a new outfit or two," Maria says. "I don't often have the chance to wear it given our uniform, but it is nice to buy new things every once in a while."

I reach into my pocket to feel the purse of coins I brought with me. I do not expect to buy anything while in Arkford, but I keep my eyes peeled regardless, as this is meant to be my day off. We weave slowly through the heavy crowds, slowly gathering the items Alba requested. As we walk, I come to a pause near a stall. The sign states that they are selling authentic Landiani bracelets. I turn to look at Maria, who is chatting with a vendor nearby who is selling spring gowns. Slowly, I approach the bracelet stall.

The bracelets are made of painted wood. While similar in nature to the bracelets often sold in the marketplace in Tetoa, my careful eye can determine the sloppy handiwork of the carving. I pick up a bracelet slowly to examine it. Even the wood is inauthentic, most likely belonging to trees in Flumensia rather than the Landiani Jungle.

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