"Yes my village has Shinobi that can use chakra to shoot fireballs and other things by performing jutsu". Naruto replied.

"Ok I have an idea can you control your chakra now?". Cortana asked.

Naruto looked down slightly. "Not very well and even then I don't really know how to manipulate it as I haven't been taught sorry".

Cortana just smiled at him. "No need to apologise. My idea is that it could be possible that I can fuse with your chakra and insert my programming to make your chakra sentient. It also means I can travel with you".

"Won't that hurt you fusing with me?". Naruto asked genuinely concerned for her safety.

Cortana giggled. "No it won't hurt it just means I'll go from being an energy program to a chakra construct. This brings both of us several benefits and besides you said you want to be like those ninja from your village and I posses a huge storage of information I can teach you to help that dream".

Naruto thought for a while then smiled down at Cortana. "Ok but how do we do this?". Naruto asked.

"Just close your eyes and focus on the feeling of your chakra, then try to focus that energy into your hand that's holding my chip as much as you can and I'll do the rest". Cortana explained.

Naruto did as instructed his face crunched up in concentration causing Cortana to chuckle. She began to sense his chakra pooling into his hand, Cortana opened herself up allowing the chip to act like a conductor for his chakra to latch onto and when it did she begun the process of fusing with his chakra.

Naruto found it hard to concentrate on controlling his chakra at first but it got easier and easier as if something was helping his chakra focus into his hand. When that feeling stopped he opened his eyes to a now dull coloured and lifeless chip.

He began to panic thinking something happened to his new friend until a flash of blue made him smile.

"It worked I am now fused with your chakra, it also looks like i have complete control over your chakra like yourself". Cortana stated while smiling at Naruto.

"Cool does that mean you can come with me where ever I go". Naruto asked excitedly, if his friend could go with him and teach him he could become a strong ninja.

"Yupp as I'm basically your now sentient chakra I am as much apart of you as your own chakra is which means your stuck with me". Cortana said happily.

Naruto jumped up flailing his arms around happily celebrating that he was no longer alone. He stopped when Cortanas voice reached his ears.

"Ok first we need to leave this forest which shouldn't be to hard, then head home and make a game plan on everything you need to learn and do to become the best fighter ever". Cortana stated.

Naruto just nods but then tilts his head. "Umm I don't know my way out of the forest though".

Cortana smiled then clicked her fingers, a pulse of chakra left Narutos body. They waited for a second then Cortana pointed in a direction.

"We need to head that way Naruto". Cortana exclaimed.

"Whoa what was that?". Naruto asked.

"I pulsed your chakra like a sonar so whatever the chakra touched I can sense almost like a map". Cortana explained.

"Can you teach me how to do that?". Naruto asked now bouncing with excitement.

"I will eventually but for now we should go home". Cortana stated.

Accepting the answer Naruto followed Cortanas directions and made it out of the forest. The walk through the village was eye opening for Cortana she witnessed the hateful glares from the citizens, more importantly she discovered from the sensory abilities she now had that Naruto had ridiculous levels of chakra compared to other shinobi. 

Naruto was absently talking with Cortana in his mind when he walked past a familiar building.

-Naruto that building is that a library?-. Cortana asked.

-Yeah although the lady behind the desk doesn't let me in-. Naruto replied while looking down.

-Ok first thing I'm going to teach you is that this village isn't going to help you grow properly, so my first lesson is that if they aren't going to co-operate with you then take what you need instead-. Cortana stated.

-What do you mean Cortana?-. Naruto asked.

-Well people wont sell you things or offer things to you so you'll do what every Ninja does and steal what you need-. Cortana explained.

-Ninja do that?-. Naruto wandered.

-Stealing is just a small part of being a ninja and that library is going to be vital and one of the first things we do in your training-. Cortana explained.

The conversation continued until they arrived at Narutos home, it wasn't too bad a few bits of graffiti here and there but ultimately Naruto had done well to maintain it. Naruto immediately went and made himself a cup of instant ramen for dinner, while he ate they both went over a plan. Naruto told her he would be going to the Shinobi academy when he was nine and would graduate when he turned thirteen, that gave Cortana 3 years to condition his mental and physical training and she knew exactly what to do to get him to be as strong as he could before he entered the academy, she was not foolish enough to believe his teachers wouldn't sabotage him and his learning. She wouldn't allow anyone to stunt the growth of her new partner and she would use all her knowledge on the spartan project to make it happen.

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