90: Finished

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"It's up!" Pidge called as she watched the Atlas finally pull away from the surface. As it did, shields formed around it and instantly drew the attention of the fleet. "Alright boys, take it easy, I don't want to have to recode the control systems again."

"We're not going to crash it."

"Good." Pidge smiled. "We've finished with the cannons, any chance we can get Voltron out here?"

"We've got Sendak." Keith answered with a huff. "And he's not going down easy."

"He never does." Lance stated sharply. "But Voltron is an idea."

"Let the garrison deal with Sendak."


"That might work."


"No Lance, listen to me." Marco cut him off. "He's fought you guys before, but he's never had to fight the garrison, not head on like this. We're different we can take him."

Lance made a noise of uncertainty. "Maybe. But we can't underestimate him."

"Then what's your suggestion?"

Lance smirked. "You and me, tag team to distract him while Keith and Hunk make the final strike."

"Think it'll work?"

"This guy is on my list." Lance admitted scowling at him. "It had better work."

"Alright then. Let's do this."


Allura could feel Blue's energy waining as she blasted yet another Galran cruiser.

"Blue isn't going to be able to hold out much longer." She admitted over the coms.

The Red lion blasted past her and cut through the fighters that tried to encrouch on her space.

But it wasn't enough.

"Atlas?" Pidge called, she sounded tense too.

A blast from the atlas fired and two Galran cruisers exploded in an instant.

"We can handle this." Coran called over the coms. "Land the lions give them time to rest."



Lance's shout had everyone pausing.


The Red lion doubled back then launched once again, so did the yellow and black lions.

"Lance, what's?"

Lance's face appeared on the screen, but he was broadcasting it out to the Galran's too. "Sendak is dead, he is defeated. Surrender now."

Keith also appeared and lifted Sendak's bionic eye, the cables still in place. "And we're not kidding."

Pidge watched the cruiser's waiting to see if the blasters would stop their charging.

A voice, cold and shaky replied; "Till next time paladins."

Then the cruisers were gone, disappearing from the sky.

At first nothing moved, no one did anything or said anything.

A heavy silence filled the air.

"Did they just retreat?" Hunk asked softly.

"Paladins, you did it."

"I think it was Keith showing them that eye that did it." Pidge admitted. "But I'll take the credit."

"It's finally over?" Lance whispered. He slumped back in his chair. "Phew."

"Paladins, come and land." Coran urged again.

The landing pad was busy, hectic with movement and people.

Lance stumbled out of his lion feeling dizzy with excitement. They had won.

They had won!


He lifted his gaze to see a while mass of people, a group of faces that were familiar and loved.

His family.

"Guys." He breathed as the reached him.

"You saved us!" Veronica cheered hugging Lance tight. He felt her relief as he hugged her back just as tightly.

"Are you alright?" His father asked as he was surrounded by family. People that he needed to get to know better. People he wanted to be with.

"I am now." Lance assured, offering a bright smile. "Thank you."

"For what, mi hijo?" His mother asked holding his hand in hers.

"For waiting, for being here." Lance shrugged. "I thought... I really thought there was nothing left here for me and that... That it was my fault... But here you all are."

"And you're the reason we're still here." Marco beamed. "Good job bro."

"Your home is safe." Allura said appearing at his side, how she had gotten through his family she didn't know. "But the fight isn't over."

"Yeah, I know." Lance agreed.

"Why?" Luis asked with a frown.

"Sendak was just a commander, currently he's working under the leadership of Haggar." Pidge answered. "Haggar's the next one on our list."

"She won't go down without a fight." Shiro frowned. "We'll be outnumbered again."

"No you won't."

The team turned to see Iverson standing behind them with the MFE pilots at the ready. "For proving your loyalty and support we offer the Garrison's ability to you."

"Earth will need protecting." Lance interjected.

"We know." James nodded. "But you guys showed us that we can't sit around waiting. We have to act and working with you guys is the best option."

"Think the coalition will make room?" Hunk asked while glancing to Coran.

"After this display they had better." Coran smirked. "We would be honoured to work with you all as well."

"But first, we'll help you set up defenses." Keith offered. "Get your planet stable, then we can move onto stopping Haggar once and for all."

"Sounds like a plan." Iverson nodded.

"So," Lance smiled, "I've got a lot to catch up on."

"And it looks like we've got time." His mother smiled cupping his face. "Let's start from the beginning."

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