16: Party

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"My name is Kiplaz the mighty warrior of my people." The Arusian explained as he looked up at Lance. "I am the one who shot you, causing you to fall."

"Oh." Lance said slowly. "Right that's okay. I'm alive so all's well."

Kiplaz shook his head. "I must apologize it is part of our people's way, I must apologize to you properly."

"I- okay."

"Blue paladin, defender of the universe, pilot of the water lion. Please accept my apology for not recognising you and your power, I will do all that I can to support you as you journey to fight the Galra." Kiplaz explained bowing his head low.

Lance blinked at him. "Um, apology accepted, mighty warrior."

Keith let out a soft laugh making Lance glace his way. He frowned at him before looking back to Kiplaz.

"I will now remain with you as a defender of you." He explained.

"Whoa, that's not necessary." Allura said sharply.

"If you do not accept this gift then I will have no choice but to give up my pledge as a warrior."

Lance gave a soft sigh. "Listen." He started kneeling down so he could meet Kiplaz's gaze without the poor Arusian breaking his neck. "It's not that I don't accept, I do. But I'm commissioning you to stay here and guard your village, if I have to leave I will feel much better knowing you're here to protect your people."

Kiplaz looked shocked before he nodded. "Thank you guardian of the water."

Lance looked up at Allura. "What does that mean?"

"As paladins each of you are guardians of different elements that make up the universe." Allura explained with a smile. "Shiro is the guardian of air, Keith of fire, Hunk of ground and Pidge of plants, yours is water."

"Well that suits me." Lance admitted standing up. "I like water."

"Good." Shiro nodded patting his shoulder. "So what's this I hear about a party?"

"I want to thank the Arusians for letting the castle rest her for 10,000 years, I feel it is only right to let them see inside it." Allura explained. "That and I am sure it will be a good moral boost to the paladins."

"That it would not." Keith grumbled.

"Not a party man?" Lance asked quietly.

"Nope." Keith sighed. "I prefer small meetings of battle plans rather then a large room packed with strangers drunk on nunvil."

"What's nunvil?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Keith said shaking his head.

"Oh boy."

"Alright, but I'll have to tall to Pidge about security measured." Shiro said with a frown. "I don't think it's a good idea right now, not when we've only just got on our feet."

"You're the defenders of the universe with one of the coolest ships in the universe." Lance reminded. "I think it'll be alright."


"Why are we having a party? Who agreed to this?" Hunk asked as he rushed around the kitchen.

"Hunk? You alright?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, when they decide to do parties they never check up with me on how I feel."

"And how do you feel?" Lance asked with a frown.


Lance sighed. "Any particular reason why?"

"Nothings ready, there's no decorations, no invitations, no food and there's no way Pidge can get that much security set up. She's been hooked to her laptop mumbling something about the rebels."

"Oh yeah, I suggested she look them up." Lance remembered. "And don't worry about the invitations, the entire Arusian village is invited."


"And I can help with some stuff, I've got nothing else to do." Lance shrugged. "So give me a job."

"Okay, do you know how to make a soufflé?"

Lance shook his head. "I can't cook desserts, and the only dishes I know don't use alien ingredients."

Hunk smiled. "That's okay, I have a better idea for you."

He grabbed Lance's arm leading him to the large hall just off from where the main doors were.

"Here use this." Hunk smiled. "It's a party decorator, Altean's use these launchers because the ceilings are all so high."

Lance smiled holding the strange shaped blaster in his hands. "Now this I can do."

Soon enough the whole hall was decorated. It didn't look too bad.

"Now food, we'll need full course meals-"

"Whoa slow down." Lance said catching his arm. "Why don't you just make canapés? Like small pieces of food that goes around and people can taste test, it's less of a stress on you and less work right."

"Lance you're a genius." Hunk grinned. "Thank you so much."

Lance smiled letting him run off. He glanced around at the ribbons hanging around the room. The colours of Voltron.

Lance sighed. He was now a part of something that was probably going to be equally loved and hated.

He wondered how long it would take for the hate to catch up with them all again. He had a horrible feeling that it would come sooner then they liked.

Maybe they would face troubles when they tried to leave, not that Lance knew how they were going to leave, the paladins all had their things here in the castle, how were they ment to leave it all behind?

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