85: Spared

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The paladins had returned, but not without a sudden cascade of action, shouting and panic.

One of them, the red one was being half carried and half dragged by the others, dark red blood stained one side of his suit.

"What happened?" Veronica asked.

"Keith got stabbed." Lance answered leaning on his knees as he tried to breathe.

"Keith?" She frowned. "That's his name."

"Yeah, why?"

"That... Sounds like an earth name?" Veronica offered.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Does it really matter?" He asked before he pushed himself upright and followed where the others were being led.

Veronica followed too, she wanted to know more about these aliens who had returned her brother to them.

But all the humans in the medical area had backed up looking scared.

And there in the medical cot, in the red paladin armour was a Galran.

"He's a Galran." Veronica said catching Lance's arm.

"So?" Lance asked shrugging her off as he moved to stand with the others. "Keith? Buddy, you landed yourself in this one."

"Not helpful Lance." Keith gasped offering him a side glare.

"Well he's coherent." The one in the white armour offered, he pulled his helmet off to reveal bright orange hair and mustache along with pointed ears and glowing marks.

"He looks like an elf." Veronica heard one of the cadets murmur.

Lance groaned. "They're aliens, give them a break."

"I'm afraid that is not possible."

All attention moved to Admiral Sanders who was standing at the entrance.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Lance asked eyes narrowing.

"My name is admiral Sanders. And we do not tolerate Galran's." She explained stepping forwards. "He will be thrown into a brig."

"Touch my son and you will regret it."

Veronica blinked glancing towards the others to see they had all removed their helmets. Nearly all had Galran features but the main one was the woman who had spoken.

"You are both Galran's." Sanders glared as she stepped forward. "I will not allow Galran's to jepradise this base."

"They are people!" Lance snapped standing in her way. "And Keith's the leader of this team, you want them you'll have to go through me."

Veronica shared worried glance with Ryan who stepped up next to her with his arms crossed.

He was tense, ready for a fight.

"You have no authority here."

"Like hell I do." Lance growled. "You touch them and I won't hesitate."

"Okay." Veronica said gently knocking Lance's arm. "We don't need to argue."

"Exactly." Admiral Sanders nodded as Ryan moved past them. "There is no argument, those Galran's will be removed."

Lance pulled Kinkade's blaster from the holster on his thigh and aimed it for admiral Sanders head. "If you even try-"

"You'll kill me?"

"I've done worse." Lance admitted calmly. "So tell your men to stand down and leave us alone."

"I think you should do as he says." Iverson grumbled.

Admiral Sanders gave a faint nod then turned sharply and left.

Lance slowly lowered the blaster then tossed it to Ryan who caught it easily.

"You're something else kid." Iverson almost chuckled before he turned away.

"You cannot just go around threatening admiral Sanders!" Veronica hissed shoving Lance's chest hard.

"Hey, I'm not gonna let someone hurt my friends." Lance shot back.

"Lance!" Pidge called looked anxious, she waved him over.

Hunk was applying pressure to the stab wound, Keith's eyes were open and glowing but unseen. Krolia was pacing as Shiro and Allura discussed quietly in the corner.

"What do you need?" Lance asked looking towards Coran.

"He needs a healing pod." Krolia answered without pausing.

"I'm not sure, my boy." Coran admitted. "But he will not make it if I do not have some medical equipment."

"Name it and I'll get it." Lance assured.

"That's the problem, I don't know what we need." Coran sighed he looked so stressed.

"Don't you guys have medical kits here or something?" Lance asked turning to Veronica.

"Not for an injury of that size." Ryan answered. It was the most he had ever said in front of a stranger.

"Then where can I get what we need for him?" Lance asked holding Ryan's gaze.

Veronica watched in complete bafflement. Lance had managed to get a conversation out of Ryan!

"The closest hospital is mostly underwater." Ryan answered quietly. "About a mile out."

"Then I guess it's a good thing I can swim." Lance nodded glancing back at his team. "I'll be back."

"I'll take you there." Ryan decided. "And I'll bring Jin."

"Why?" Veronica asked, she expected a shrug or a grunt.

"Cause he knows the area better." Ryan explained calmly. "Let's move, I'll brief him on the way."

"Be careful out there Lance." The tall woman with white hair said placing her hand on Lance's arm. "And hurry back."

Lance nodded. "Keep him alive." 

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