Irritating and Informed

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“You do know you’re going to lose, correct?” Iblis’ honeyed voice trailed over to Akito as they sat across each other, a chess board between them.

Once I had gotten out of bed this morning, I realised that I had nothing to do - at least, that I was told to do anyway. First, I went to the dining hall where I ate breakfast alone, Itazura told me that I had woken up around midday and everyone had already eaten.

So after I had started walking around the castle, which was when I was confronted by Iblis, who wanted to introduce herself to me. She then decided that the best way to do this was through a game of chess.

She’s lucky I know how to play. Imagine if I didn’t and I mean, I don’t fully understand her reasoning or thought process, but I’m not in the position to deny her. I haven’t grown into my powers enough. Once I’m fully fledged, I’m hoping I’ll be way more powerful than her - she seems scary.

Imagine if I’m more powerful than Mephisto, that would be awesome. I could wipe that smug look off his face once and for all.

I still want to play with Amaimon, though, no matter how powerful I am. He’s great and really fun to play with. Maybe I can meet him down here? I’ll need to ask someone about it. How do you contact a demon from Gehenna? Like, I’m assuming you can’t just give them a call, considering I haven’t seen one bit of technology down here. Yeah, I doubt there is access to 5G in Gehenna.

Like, who is planting a cell tower in Hell? Definitely not EE, Kevin Bacon ain’t that powerful.

Anyways, back on track.

So here I am. In the library. Surrounded by books. Sitting at a table. Opposite Iblis.

Now, I can’t say I’m too upset with the arrangement, considering I have a nice cup of steaming earl grey beside me. Itazura had plopped two sugar cubes in it once it was sat at the table, so I’m truly set. I’m glad he knows me well enough by now that he can make my tea without having to ask. It makes life so easy.

I ignored Iblis and focused on what moves I was going to make as I set up my side, I’m playing white. I used to play chess all the time back at the monastery. Well… not all the time, but I did play it often with the clergymen when I could stand their existence. Sometimes, they were too busy sucking up to Yukio as well, and I didn’t want to interrupt them as they worshipped his existence while tutting at Rin and I. Yeah, dicks.

“Hey, why are you ignoring me? Brat.” Iblis hissed, setting up her pieces. She aggressively put one of her pawns down, the table shaking slightly due to the force.

“Silence is the best response to stupidity.” I shared, the edge of my lip twitching upwards when she glared at me in response. My ear twitches as I catch Itazura trying to muffle his laughter behind me where he is standing against the wall. I sip my tea, slurping loudly just to annoy her even more.

“Hmm, witty. We just may get along.” Iblis ponders, looking amused and slightly shocked at the thought of getting along with one of her brothers. I’m just that great, I make everyone love me. Eventually. After wearing them down.

“Well, let’s play then, wannabe Lava Girl.” I respond, smirking at her while making my first move.

“Haha, very original-” She starts to retort while moving her piece forward, perfectly groomed nails glinting in the light. The perfect warning to anyone that even thinks about getting on her bad side or annoying her. Threatening with a quick and painful disembowelment to the offender.

Now, back to annoying her.

“I know right?” I interrupt her, grinning widely when I see one of her eyes twitch in response. Heh, she is going to be so fun to annoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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