'Gehenna Gate'

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"Eh!? What dumbass opened the blinds- wait... I'm the dumbass. Fuck me sideways and call me a Kentucky fried sleep-deprived chicken bucket meal."

I rubbed my crusty eyelids, trying to sweep away any residual eye dust. Bad bitches don't put their makeup on with crusty, dusty, musty eyes underneath.

I had a quick shower and put on the clothes closest to me, heading to the door, I quickly ran back to the bathroom as I remembered I hadn't brushed my little teethlings.

Once that was done, I went back to strutting down the stairs to the monastery like a boss.

I made it downstairs without passing out. To slay you need to sleep, that's the truth right there.

Sleep is the only thing I look forward to, and with Rin being late last night, I missed out on my usual amount of sleep.

As long as I'm not lying in bed, Shiro wouldn't scold me for lazing about and 'wasting' my day.

I lay in one of the pews and almost instantly fell asleep, dreaming of ramen and sleep. Failing to notice the panicking clergymen running about the monastery.

"We are being attacked by kinsmen of Astaroth."

"Huh! I wasn't sleeping!" I shot up and peered around the room squinting. I forced my brain to compute and realised what dad said. "Like the Demon King of Rot?"

Is dad part of one of them mythical roleplaying games? It wouldn't surprise me, from what I saw some of the female characters have four chesticles and I know he would like that.

I'm more of a Genshin Impact sort of person but each to their own.

Dad looked at me in surprise. I literally told this man I had memorised all his Christian and demon-related books, and he's still surprised I know about his sort of thing.

"Douse the sewers with triple-C density holy water. Not a single one can be allowed to infiltrate!" I looked past him at Rin, my man was looking so fuckin' confused and scared.

I sauntered over to him and stood on my tippy toes. Leaning in close to his ear,

"What's wrong with you?" I whispered. He jumped in shock and looked at me with surprise, an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. I responded with a blank look making him even more confused.

"Yes Father!"

Me and Rin turned back to stare at the men running behind us. Suddenly the ground shook and we stumbled.

I jumped into Rin's arms and he pulled me close. I know that might seem kind of weird, but Rin has always looked out for me and protected me whenever we were in an unsafe scenario.

He is basically my protective older brother, my relationship with Yukio on the other hand, probably the complete opposite.

He has always looked at me with disdain, like I've wronged him when I can barely remember interacting with him since we were seven when he started spending more time with Shiro.

Strange creatures like the ones we saw this morning were trying to fly and run into the monastery, they were being fried by some glowing sigils like Kentucky chicken.

"Heh, look at them trying to get in. Can I get some fries with my fried demon?" I shouted at them, spurring them on, while giggling. I felt eyes drilling holes into my head and I turned to see Shiro and Rin staring at me like I was insane. "What? I thought we didn't like them?"

Dad pulled some furniture away from the wall.

"Come with me." We followed him and saw there was some secret room. What. The. Actual. Fawk.

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