'A Boy From a Cursed Temple'

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I was sitting in Cram school, after Mephisto had unceremoniously ditched me in my room, I had fallen asleep for the rest of the night.

And let me tell you, it was one of the best night's sleep I've had in a while.

I looked over at Rin to see him sleeping on his desk. Oof, someone obviously didn't have as good of a night as me. Sucks to be him, especially since our teacher seems to be glaring at his unconscious form.

Our teacher is this old, fossil of a man. Like, experienced and super strict, makes you want to wet your pants when he yells type of dude.

Yeah, I'm really glad that's not me.

Like, this class is really boring, but I do not want to deal with a yelling teacher and Mephisto scolding me about it. Not worth the stress if I'm being honest.

Oh no, looks like the teacher is about to make a move.

"Okumura!" He yells, and when Rin doesn't seem to wake up, he yells again. "Okumura!"

Rin bolts up in his seat.

"Sukiyaki!" He shouts, looking so confused, it made me just outright wheeze. Kamiki looked over at me in concern. I probably sounded like a dying elephant.

The blonde girl beside Rin looked so scared as well, making me wheeze more.

"If you don't intend to pay attention, you're free to leave anymore." The old guy scolds. Making Rin look even more pitiful, he really needs to build up some confidence. I'm totally going to have to hype him up, even if he doesn't hang out with me as much as Yukio - his relationship with Yukio is so toxic, man.

Like, Yukio treats him like shit and he just accepts it because he thinks that he deserves it. Well we are all Satan's kids, so why do me and Rin have to get the abuse? I'm not having it, I will hype Rin up and make sure he knows that he doesn't deserve that.

"S-sorry!" Rin says, wiping his face before the teacher begins to prattle on about all this boring stuff, that I already know. What is this class, was my 13th reason? Huh!? That's what I thought.

"Now then... In the Hebrew Scriptures, these books - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus-" Blah blah blah, this is all so boring. I am seriously thinking about grabbing my sword and yeeting it at the teacher just so he will shut up.

Placing my head on my hand, I peer over at Rin. Only to find him having a gay staring contest with a rooster head looking guy. I always knew Rin's wrist was a little floppy. My gaydar is OP.

I see Rin blush before looking away, appearing smug. The rooster head, on the other hand, looked even angrier. Well this will be a fun show to watch over our time at Cram school.

Rin begins giggling to himself and the teacher shouts at him again.

He is definitely having some sort of gay daydream right now, he's gotta be. Rooster grumbles to himself again.


Class was over and we were left to our own devices until the next teacher showed up.

"Why were you suffocating during class?" Paku asked me, I saw Kamiki pretending to look uninterested but still looking over at me.

"Well, Rin is my older brother, as you know and when the teacher scared the shit out of him, it was too funny and I couldn't hold it in." When they both still looked confused, I elaborated. "You have never experienced true comedy until someone close to you almost pisses themself from a jump-scare."

"Oh, okay." Paku says, still confused but smiling lightly, obviously finding my reason for wheezing slightly funny. Kamiki was just smirking at me though, my thought process and sources of entertainment also amusing her.

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