24 : Fresh Walk, Sweet Talk

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⚠️Cursing - inappropriate words⚠️

Author's pov :

The blonde sighed, pushing his body more into the couch.

He really didn't have anything better to do. It was around 6pm in the evening, besides the fact he was feeling dejected.

Minho has announced that he'll be visiting his home to check on his cats and mother, Jisung has almost begged to go with him. Though Minho declined.

After alot of hesitation and and finding it hard to say no to the squirrel-like male.

Minho was the one mainly who got both an earful and a scolding. After taking Jisung out when he was still on hiatus and getting the whole media to go insane with the hashtag Minsung.

Even though both were wearing caps and masks, Stays has managed to recognise them.

The older was almost not able to resist the doe, big brown eyes that held alot of excitement just with the mention of Minho's cats.

Now he felt so down, he really wanted to see Dori again and even maybe spend time with Minho's mother.

The others weren't available either, Chan was out since early on in the morning, or maybe he didn't even return home and spent the night at the studio, something Jisung is reminding himself to scold the leader for when he gets back.

Felix has taken both Jeongin and Seungmin with him to buy new games and, as he said dramatically, a new controller since his broke.

While he kept complaining since the males left that the maknae had to leave too, when he wasn't one for games anyway. Jeongin could've been here cuddling Jisung instead.

And Hyunjin was out in a photoshoot for a famous brand, as he remembers the dancer told him, was Versace.

And he doesn't know where Changbin is, he hadn't seen the male since he woke up.

Oh wow.. So fun. And I thought people who have more than one partner doesn't get bored ...

Just then he heard low grumbling from behind, he shuffled and sat up, turning his head to get a better view of the male that is getting rid of his shoes at the door step.

"Stupid Chan hyung and his habit of overworking. 'Talk to him Bin,' he said, 'He'll understand you.', he said, it's your fault that we are at this problem currently anyway! If only you didn't agree to that stupid deal..-"


Changbin immediately stopped his murmuring, turning to meet eyes with Jisung's, big round eyes staring at him back with what the older can only discribe as happiness and excitement.

"Oh Han ah... What are you doing over there?"

He immediately played it cool, as if he wasn't just cursing their oldest under his breath. Jisung had barely heard what Changbin said anyway, the only thing he cares about is that there is finally someone back that can keep him company.

Mistreated - Han Jisung centricNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ