10 : Unwanted Presence

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⚠️ Cursing - inappropriate words ⚠️

Author's Pov :

"He speaks Korean..!?"

Hyunjin exclaimed dramatically. He looked surprised, definitely not expecting that from a 'not Korean' male.

"Not only that honey, I speak Korean, Thai and English"

Perth said proudly. Not that he is trying to be nice to his bias- but don't tell Jisung or he might actually throw a tantrum.

"Jisung hyung.."

The small male turned to the one calling him, Seungmin.

"D-Do you want to join us for dinner...?"

The younger asked shyly, not sure if he should expect a positive reaction.


"We had dinner on the plane. And who eats at 3am in the morning?"

The oldest spoke almost sarcastically.

"What does it even got to do with you? If you don't want to join then don't. We're asking Jisung-"

Felix tried interfering in the conversation but was quickly cut off. Sadly, from the one he was technically defending.

"I don't want to eat.. I already ate"

Jisung spoke quietly. Still gaze on the ground. Avoiding having any interaction with them beside talking. He kind of felt bad, refusing Seungmin's request. The boy sounded so scared of saying something wrong to him. But he wasn't lying, he ate on the plane and he felt he might just throw up everything he ate if he eats more.

Then his attention went back to Dori who was purring at his leg and scratching slightly on his jeans. Obviously asking for more attention from Jisung.

It's not the first time Minho brings his cats to the house. He brought them once when his mother had some business away and couldn't leave them alone at their house. Dori has caught Jisung's heart and attention the moment he saw her. Not that he doesn't love Soonie and Doongie but the maknae has always had his heart.

"Dori ah, c'mere"

Minho said as he bend down to scoop up the cat in his arms. Frowning when Jisung took multiple steps back and hid behind Perth, tugging and griping the Thai male's arms. Does he not want to be near Minho?

"Anyway, my name is Perth. I'm older than all of you, so I'd appreciate it if you call me Hyung"

They really had to refrain themselves from scoffing or rolling their eyes.

"I-I'm assuming he'll be staying in the spare room.. I'll take the bags up, phi"

Jisung spoke quietly, taking the suitcase and two handbags with him as he rushed up the stairs. Not really wanting to see or talk to the others anymore.

There was a little silence, everyone just looking at each other then looking at the unwanted guest. Until everyone eyed Jeongin who cleared his throat.

Mistreated - Han Jisung centricМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя