12 : Cowards

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(Tell me if you can't see the gif^, I'll replace it with a photo of Han.)

⚠️ Cursing - inappropriate words ⚠️
(I guess?)

Author's pov :

He began to move around the bed unconsciously, his eyes closed. He doesn't know if he's trying to wake up or hide from the light of the room. He groaned at the source of light that almost made him go blind.

"Phi.. Close the light"

He can hear a small chuckle coming from the Thai male.

"Wake up Ji, wash up and go down to have breakfast with them"

At the sound of that he finally opened his eyes, immediately closing them again and putting a hand above his eyes before opening them again.

He looked at the male to see him wearing some expensive shirt, trying to show off. He was quite surprised that Perth himself is asking him to hang out with the members.

"Where are you going this early? Why aren't you spending time with me since we came back..."

"I'm really sorry Jibaby, I have an old friend here. I'm going to visit him quickly and come back to you, ok?"

The younger sighed and nodded, smiling a little when he felt his cheek getting pecked. He went to the bathroom and and washed his face, his teath and made sure he looked fine and not that he just got up from bed. He can hear the door of the room open and close.

When he went out his bestfriend was gone. He just changed into some hoodie with some small shorts. He couldn't care less what he wore, he wasn't trying to impress anyone.

He went down to see the others getting the table ready and adding the already cooked food there while there were still some left. While half of them were trying to wake up and they were lazing around the place. Jisung didn't know what to do. He just stood there at the end of the stairs watching them until someone noticed him.

"Hannie.. Good morning!"

He looked to the side at Felix who had a wide grin on his face. His blonde hair was disheveled but he doesn't look like he even mind it. Jisung smiled a little when he remembered the time Felix let him play with his hair and style it. It was really one of Jisung's most favourite moments. Because he didn't get to do it again for two years.

At the mention of his name the others turned to him. Each having a smile that was widening by each second while they're just staring at him.

He really liked this type of attention, not the one where you feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable when you have too many eyes on you. The one where you feel appreciated and loved when all they can see is you.

He was sure that his face was as red as tomatos by now. He couldn't take his gaze off of the ground.

"Good morning, Jisungie.."

Almost everyone said in sync, it was kinda scary.

"Um, Perth hyung... He left a few moments ago. Are you going to join us for breakfast..?"

Mistreated - Han Jisung centricWhere stories live. Discover now