20 : Safe Place

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⚠️Cursing - inappropriate words⚠️

Author's pov :

Right after dinner, though they would've preferred to spend the rest if their time with Jisung, Minho was tired with his long day and an hour of preparing dinner.

Seungmin, Jeongin, Felix and Hyunjin were exhausted with thier dance practice. Chan was in his room doing whatever comes to your mind.

Changbin.. He didn't particularly had anything to do, he just came out from their bathroom after taking a long, relaxing shower.

And Jisung was bored out of his mind, so when he saw Changbin coming into the living room, his face brightened and immediately got up and went towards Changbin.

The older halted his steps and stood still. Jisung standing right infront of him with a wide smile.

"Is something wrong Han ah..?"

The smaller shook his head softly, his eyes shining as he threw himself into Changbin's embrace.

The much more buffed male paused. Standing still as he slightly tensed, but quickly wrapped his arms around Jisung nonetheless. And slowly relaxed in Jisung's embrace.

It's warm.. Just like the last time you hugged me this tight, it's still warm as ever.

"Han ah..."

"Hyung, I wanted to thank you because you stayed up all night taking care of me when I was sick.... Thank you hyung"

Changbin relaxed completely, a warm smile slowly making it's way to his face as he tightened his arms around Jisung.

"It's ok Han ah, it's my job to do that as your hyung. I couldn't possibly leave you with a fever.."

Jisung's head was pressed against Changbin's chest. Changbin rested his chin on Jisung's head.

And before the young producer could think of what he wanted to say, his lips opened on their own and words he didn't want to say were spoken.

"You always left me sick though"

He didn't mean to, he really didn't. But guilt pierced through him when he felt how badly Changbin tensed in his arms. On instinct, he tightened his own arms around Changbin, but it was too late.

The older has already made his way out of Jisung's warm, soft and gentle embrace. That he'd do anything to stay in there all day and night. But he really couldn't stay there.

The upset smile and tired, sad eyes of his hyung, Jisung really regret what he said.

"You're right... I still think I don't have the right to do this.. How can I just hug you after all what I did to you? I'm so- I need a nap...."

I don't know if I can love you, han ah.

He walked away. Slow and tired steps. Why, why the hell did he say that? His mind just spoke on his own?

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