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It has been almost two days since we last talked to each other. Kartik didn't even try to talk to me and here I am missing everything about him, fighting with my mom to give me my phone back so that I could talk to him. But my mom said,"its not going to work between you two plus Radhika it's just a attraction nothing else. It's best for you if you just forget about that boy like a nightmare and move on in your life". I think this is probably the most common thing that what those in a long-distance relationship and teen lovers hear most often. As of now I also started thinking the same when I saw he didn't even try to talk to me [ What if he hates me now after whatever my dad did?]. I just wanted to clear up the air between us nothing else and if he wants to break up then I am okay with it too. I understand that it was too much embarrassing for both of us and our families, I don't want that our family relations with them would shattered like this because of our one mistake plus I can't force him to be with me when he doesn't put efforts to get me in this kind of situation. So I decided when I'll get my phone back for online classes then I would login my instagram account and talk to him. The next morning when I got my phone, I exactly did what I planned last night so when I logged in my id I saw tons of texts from him about how is he missing me so damn much and wants to talk to me ASAP. My body got a chill after I read all the texts from him. I even blushed a lil too after that we talked and made the things up, agreed to compromise until I get my phone back. I got to know in the evening that my schools are opening from the day after tomorrow. It was good as now I would spend my most of the time in school so less time would I get to talk to him and miss him. As soon as my school started everything started sorting out between me and my family and they gave me my phone back in a few days when I started going to school. Now my relationship status is that we are happy together, taking precautions so that no one in my family ever comes to know about it until we are ready to tell them ourselves at the right time, on the other hand everyone in Kartik's family already knows about patch-up and they are happy that we are back together, supported us too. I never thought we would ever come back together after this family drama but now we are together, loving and taking care of each other more. It was so tough for both of us to stay away from each other even if it was for few days but now as everything is fine so I am happy too and seeking forward to have the best love life with him.

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