Long Distance, Again!!!

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It is true that long-distance relationship is challenging. When you miss someone so dearly, their absence can drive you crazy. After all, long relationships are only for strong souls. When you are miles apart and your communications are limited to texts, calls and FaceTime, every word means so much. We learn to save the best for the one we love. We get stronger and grow together just like we are never apart. And the best part of being in an LDR? Knowing that your Significant Other is thinking about you the same way you do. You are not alone. You are on this journey together, the joy, the tears and the loneliness. There are times when you fall short of words to express your feelings and heat up the romance for your loved ones. If you are in a long-distance relationship, it is tough to share your emotions with the same intensity. The touch and warmth of your partner bring out the best feeling, which is often missing in long-distance relationships. It can be the ultimate test of your perseverance and commitment, and communication plays a key role in keeping your relationship healthy. It's has been five months of our long distance. It was not that tough for us to be in long distance in the beginning. As most of our time was spend on doing our works and in the mean time we used to talk which was not more than one or two hours a day but when we started getting more close to each other then the feeling of staying away from each other started growing up. It was more tough for me than for him. I used to cry over our video calls and then he used to help me to control my emotions. And one day I told him about my guy friend (Mohit) from school. He became jealous of it and didn't talk to me. Not only that but also he ignored me for seven fucking hours that day. I was feeling so awful because I just told him about Mohit and he knows how loyal I am for him but still he is behaving like this with me. [ It was not my thing to concern about here as I did nothing wrong here so why would I apologize to him. Instead he should apologize to me for his reckless behavior of ignoring me. And he really needed to do some serious thinking about his behavior]. Then I thought it's not gonna work if both would behave like this. This would never going to benefit any of us and would shattered our relationship into so many pieces just because of misunderstanding. So I called him so many times, back to back calls but he ignored me every time. I didn't like his this behavior towards me. If I am taking one step ahead he should also take one step ahead to make the things up between us but no, instead he was trying to make the things more complicated for both of us. [ I know that feeling of getting jealous is so bad but when your partner is trying to apologize for the things then the other one should also understand and try to forgive them. Kartik on the other hand showing me his another side this time. This situation helped to get to know his side in which he is the angry bird, not understanding anything kind of person]. Distance will never diminish your connection, nor does it lessen the strength of your relationship. But I was feeling so out of strength when he didn't reply to any of my calls or texts. Then I remember once he gave me his dad's number so I called him and said that if he can tell Kartik that he should talk to me instead of behaving like this and stop making me feel like that I have committed a sin by talking to another guy. His dad did the same and after that Kartik called me, talked to me and tried to make the things up. [ I thought okay yeah... I mean it's fine if he behaved like this as if he is good for me then when something like this happens then I also deserve his bad side and I know he would never repeat his mistake of ignoring me again].

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