episode 17

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"I know she would rather choose to die than to say she loves you," ps Abdullah Amir.

Khalid's POV

As the English man says "you don't know what you really have until you lose it" and that is exactly what is about to happen to me. Like who cares of what people think after all?

All I know is I am going to ask for zahra's hand in marriage and let her parents know about it as soon as possible so that they can reserve her for me and that's it because I am tired of all of these dramas and yasir's starting to get on my nerves.

Well I know my mom wouldn't love the idea of it because she always wanted me and jamila to get married which is possibly impossible because I never had any feelings for her plus jamila and I are like brothers and sisters so what's the point of stressing myself and getting confused about everything and anything!

Ok....the point is I'm not worried about what people might have said about me or what the students will gossip at school when I proposed. What I'm really scared of is rejection! I really hate the idea of it and wouldn't want us to get to that extend.

Anyways I think I should just let zahra's family know before I involved my parents to something that will never work....I mean I feel like she will agree and all but still I am freaking scared, after all who wouldn't want a handsome well of dude like me.

Today school was as usual, boring and exhausting. I even went home earlier than usual because I plan on going to jamal's home to sort some things out with Yasir.

I think today there's no lesson at uni so obviously Yasir would be going to jamal's side because it's jamal's turn today.

I prepared some popcorn and chips to take along with me and some special snacks for Yasir. He's really my G you know. I was just overreacting yesterday but jamal made it clear to me that it's not his fault after all. He wanted to explain the entire story to me but he was busy with the kids here and there so I just let it be. I think the kids will be travelling next week so yeah.

I know I could have push to know the story behind it all because It could have really helped and show me where I stand but I can't also trouble someone who was busy doing something because of my selfish interest.


"Well I will talk to her about it and will get back to you," that was jamal's respond when I told him about the whole thing. Yasir was downstairs to get some more popcorns so it wasn't too hard for me to speak to jamal about my issues.

I already did what I can so it is left to Allah to choose what is best for me.

Yasir's POV

My mom called zahra's dad to land me in more trouble. He had talked with both my mom and dad so they have decided to take the matter serious.

I feel they've made the worst decision in their lives since we're both going to disagree at some point so what's the point of gathering the entire family to talk marriage.

I know these days I'm kind of seeing zahra more humanly and not the beast that slap me two months ago. I feel like she was just angry that day that's the reason she acted like a beast and I genuinely understand her actions.

We've already sort out our differences and decided to reject the marriage proposal mutually. In as much as I love a woman who behave well and have good character, I have to let this one go because I've already given my word and we mutually agree on this.

"Yasir, my son Come and sit with me," Zahra's father approached me in the dinning room when I was collecting some popcorns for the boys.
"Yes uncle," I immediately turned and shake his hand.
"Asalamualaikum, why don't we go to the living room instead," I greeted and lowered my gaze due to the respect I have for him.
"What I'm about to tell you is sensitive I guess here is ok," he said and my heart immediately started misbehaving. I pulled two chairs out of dinning and sat on one of them while uncle sat on the other opposite mine.
"My son what I'm about to say is very important so you have to listen very careful in order to understand," I widen my eyes a little bit making sure that he didn't realise my shaky hands
"Listen and listen very careful. I always wanted to have the chance to sit with you and advice you about you and zahra and my humble opinion about it. My dear son marriage is sunnah in Islam and we should hasten to practice what our beloved prophet S.A.W has practiced. I just wanna let you know that I have no problem in you marrying zahra, the only time that I will have problem with it is if zahra's not ok with it and I am sure this is what your parents want too. My dear son as you know your mother and my wife were best of friends and they always wanted this marriage to happen so do your dad and I when we knew about it but that doesn't mean we should force both parties because of our own interest that is the reason I have talk with zahra and I am also talking to you. Marriage is not an easy task so you can only better things out for your sons and daughters to marry the person they wish to stay for the rest of their lives with. I know my daughter very well and I know she would rather choose to die than to say she loves you but all I wanna know is your consent about the marriage even if you wanna do it later as far you can stay away from haram I'm ok with it. I know it's not easy to marry young buh if 15 year old so called dating couples are not protecting their chastity even though they are not married who are we to stop you from doing the right thing and besides you're rich, you have the deen and you're already eighteen so why not. The last thing that I'm gonna say to you is I have given both you and zahra one week to thoroughly think about your relationship Asalamualaikum," he said everything calmly making me relaxed at thesame time utter shocked.
"Ok uncle Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi, I will think about it and give you my final say," I got up and leave with the popcorns.


Khalid's POV

"I have given both you and zahra one week to thoroughly think about your relationship ," zahra's father said. I knew he was up to something my conscience was always right all this while.
Jamal told me to go and call on Yasir before the lecture starts so that he won't missed it but I promise if I had known I would come back hating Yasir for life I wouldn't even try to go.

I trusted Yasir and made him one of my best friends and he is doing this to me. Naa is a big fat lie, it can't be possible.
Buh yeah it is also possible because ears can never betray me like Yasir. I hate him. I'm outta here. I can't stand him any longer.

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Peace ✌

Written by✏ Haddy Nyang (khaddija uthman)

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