episode three(3)

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Jamila's POV

Mrs faal called zahra and she seemed terrified. We looked at each other, I blinked and turned my face and in that process, I saw khalid glancing at zahra in a very weird way. I tried to tell him to lower his gaze but he couldn't understand. I hissed, whispered and did everything I could, but it didn't work. I decided to go to his seat and inform him.

"Excuse me Mrs faal" I took an excuse and walked straight to Khalid......"hey, bro lower it please, i gotach," I spoke my sense in a very serious tone. He lowered his gaze and smiled, I rushed back to my place and started doing my class work. Zahra took the phone from Mrs faal, talked a little while, took her bag and left the class. "I wonder what happened to my baby," I muttered.

It was time to go home, I called my mom to pick me up and she did. I reached home, say salam to dad and went upstairs. It was pass Asr and I remembered just when I was about to take a shower. I rushed to the tap, prayed, sent salutation upon our prophet (S.A.W) and made some duas.


"Mom tomorrow we have to go for shopping right?" I asked
"Yeah please call zahra to come over," Said mom

"Thanks mom" I replied.....dad's phone was ringing so I sprinted directly to the corridor to pick it up, I picked the call which was from uncle musa, khalid's dad.
"Salam uncle musa" I greeted
"Waalaikumsalam my dear,where's daddy?" He asked.

"Dad went out" I answered....."immediately he comes back home inform him that my daughter gave birth on Monday and I will be very happy if he attends the naming ceremony, and please inform your mom too," he added
"Ok uncle" I replied and hanged up.


I told my dad and I knew he would be going, which means the whole family will be going to the naming ceremony on monday, let me not say the whole family, lol probably three of us because I'm the only child of the jafri family. Time elapsed and it was maghrib already, I prayed and did as usual......"boom" I freed myself on the bed. I was about to sleep when I remembered that mom had asked me to call zahra. I called her but she didn't pick up then I thought of texting her so that when she sees it, she can call me back. I turned off the phone and went to sleep.

Khalid's POV

"She is as beautiful as the moon.
Her skin is like flowing water.
Ahh! How much I dream about her every single day.
Beauty with brains.
I wish you were mine but in shaa Allah you will be.
I will show you love and treat you like a queen.
I can't tell you how I feel because I want to make things halal.
Forever you and I.
Till jannah in shaa Allah.
You seemed sad but you are still beautiful.
Why can't I take my eyes off you?" I was lost in cloud nine thinking about my crush zahra,  "astafirullah I should have lowered my gaze sooner."

"Bro please lower it, I gotach" Jamila muttered......I lowered my gaze and smiled because I thought to myself that she might not understand though she was right.


Salam guys my name is khalid and I am the unknown crush of zahra, did I just say unknown? Haff! Yeah, my zahra, the love of my life, the zahra I ask for, every single day. The girl I ask Allah to make mine through marriage, my love at first sight, my crush and my heartbeat. I am sixteen years old, I have two awesome siblings, a brother and a sister. My sister's name is raihanna and my brother hasan. Raihanna got married last year to my counsin yusuf. She just gave birth to a baby girl this past Monday, so we'll be having the ceremony next week in shaa Allah.

"Knock knock" hasan knocked....."Bro open the door, it's time for maghrib prayer, ain't you gonna pray?" He shouted with all slangs.
"Okayyyyyy I'm cominggggggg" I rushed and open the door.

"Bro please tell me you were not dreaming about her again," he chuckled, I gave him a slight tap on the back and pulled him inside the room....."shush, stop shouting please, what am I going to tell dad if he hears this?" I feigned fright.

"Oh meinnn! Bro you take things too seriously, if dad asks you, then tell him the truth and that's all," he feigned innocence.
"Okay get out of my room since you can't keep secrets, i'm not going to tell you anything again," I pointed towards the door.
"I'm kidding bro, chill man," he made a plastic smile.

"Bye" I pushed him out and closed the door. I waited for about two minutes before I dashed to the tap, performed ablution and walked straight to my room. I prayed and made all the necessary duas before throwing my weight on the bed.

"Khalid habibti, it's time for dinner," mommy called.
"I'm coming mummy," I shouted to be audible enough, I placed my phone on the bed and rushed to the dinning room. There I found dad, hasan and mom eating already. I took it upon myself to fill both my plate and  stomach.

"Salima habibty, Mrs jafri called saying they will be coming to the ceremony in shaa Allah" dad informed.
"Oh that's good, are they coming with their daughter? I mean my future daughter in law." Mom asked......"Yes she's coming too" dad replied.

"Arh Arh" I wheezed, I choked all of sudden because I knew mum was talking about jamila. I gulped down a glass of water and acted as if I was alright, but you know right.....I WAS NOT!

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Haddy Nyang (khaddija uthman)✍

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