episode five (5)

142 15 9

Jamila's POV

It's been a while since we got home from shopping.

Mom told us to rest and later test the outfits that we bought from the mall.

My little cousin and I were chatting inside the living room. We had a lot of fun today and I can assure you that this is my best day ever, yeah I mean ever! That's because I had the chance to know a lot about zahra, I know the type of dresses she loves,colour, length and literally everything! I am so happy  because she means a lot to me, so getting to know things about her makes me feel excited.

She's my sister from a different mother.

"Zahra lets go upstairs," I proposed.
My head started mingling on whether to tell her about khalid or not but fortunately I chose to stay quiet because it might bring fitnah between them.

"For what," she rolled her eyes while asking.

"We need to pray and test our outfits," I replied and without waiting for her respond, I rushed straight to my room, she got up and chased after me, I hurriedly sprinted to my room and locked the door.

I waited for some seconds but didn't hear her knocking. That feeling arised in me, the feeling of not hearing zahra shout behind the door. I love the feeling but today I didn't get it and I am really bothered about that because we always do these silly things together but she never gave up.

Well I know I'm childish but you can't understand my love for zahra and my insecurities.

I opened the door and rushed to the tap, I prayed and made all necessary duas and matched outside.

"Mom,  i'm going outside to get some fresh air," I said, she agreed and I left.

Duh I thought zahra was in the living room.

I was walking along the road when I saw zahra sitting on the street chairs beside the main road. She was wearing the black abaya that I gave her and she was admiring nature alone as if there's something bothering her.

I walked straight to her and sit beside her.

"Hey Pretty Za," I muttered, she didn't respond so I called her again but this time, louder. She looked at me and smirked, I glimpsed at her and shook my head.

"What are you up to baby sis," I asked.
"Thinking," she replied.

"What actually, I mean......"
"Some stuff," she cuts me short and said that to me gently.

I had a mix feeling about her voice but I continued the convo to make it realistic.


Today is another beautiful day for both of us, yeah I mean zahra and I. We'll be going to the ceremony and the most amazing thing is that, today is a public holiday.

I thought we'll skip school today but alhamdullilah for the news. I LOVE THE GOVERNMENT LOL.

Monday, one of the worst days in the week but today might be the best. I hate Mondays for no reason as if I'm the C.E.O of a company, ready to have a phone call from morning to evening, sarcastically. I just don't like MONDAY and don't ask me why.

Zahra woke me up saying that we'll be leaving in two minutes, LIKE SERIOUSLY? TWO MINUTES, who would believe that? As if i'm a child. I got up and checked my alarm clock and it read 8:00 am, I rushed to the bathroom not noticing that zahra was standing just behind me. Yeah it's not my fault, she wears too much of black, lol.

I paused and turned. she was staring at me as if I had done something wrong.

I took a quick bath, wore my beautiful pink dress with a black veil and pink shoes and sat on the bed waiting for zahra.


She wore a light blue abya with a black veil and black shoes. She looked like a princess.

"Jamila your dad is calling" Zahra informed.
"Ok lets go," I replied.
We both checked ourselves in the mirror and we were looking great. I held zahra's hand and we walked downstairs.

Khalid's POV

Saturday was a tiring yet an exciting day because I got to see my crush, I mean my future wifey in shaa Allah, my 3:00 am thoughts and my sweetest dream.

I got lost in nine clouds when I heard her voice in the mall earlier that day, I was actually very afraid of meeting her but deep down, I cherished every moment I spent their.

I spent almost all my time in the mall but alhamdullilah, I got home safe and sound. Also, alhamdullilah, the girls didn't see me either.

Facing her would be a big trouble for me and I don't want to look dumb infront of her.

"Knock knock," hasan knocked my door.
"Privacyyyy," I shouted.

"Ok," he muttered and I heard his foot steps fade away showing he was leaving.

Well I don't need to explain myself because hasan already understood everything. He understood what I meant about the Privacy thing and that's what matters. He's a smart little boy.


Today is the big day that I was waiting for.

I, the handsome of all handsomes was ready to face the crowd. I always run my hands through my hair to make it perfect. I wore my light blue attire that hasan chose for me with a black shoe and a black cap.
I looked in the mirror and I could see a real prince charming. So handsome and gentle.

Not bragging about being very handsome, it's a fact.

I was done adoring myself, I took my wallet and rushed downstairs.

"Asalamualaikum," I kind of heard jamila's voice but I thought it was my imagination, so I didn't bother to turn back.
"Asalamualaikum khalid," she yelled, there was lot of noise so it didn't sound that much pitchy.

"Waalaikumsalam, jami....jamila," I started stuttering instantly but I composed myself quickly because I didn't want her to suspect anything, Changed my expression and called jamila's name properly.

"Oh zahra, you're here, how're you doing?" I asked gently but deep down I felt a striking feeling.
"I'm fine," she lowered her gaze and replied with a smile.

There's this saying that everyone has a weakness but I can assure you that, ZAHRA BINT ABDULLAH IS MY WEAKNESS.

This episode is dedicated to my counsin nabou kah, for your motivations, you really inspire me, thanks 😊 ly.

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And enjoy yourselves.

Haddy Nyang ✍(khaddija uthman)

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