Chapter 12

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Edd stared at Kevin with wide eyes. His whole body trembling at what had just happened.

"Wait... You... What?!"

Kevin sighed and put his head into his hands. "I'm sorry. I just fucked it up." A tear rolled from Kevins sad green eyes. Edd probably thought he was disgusting. He began sobbing quietly.

Edd sat up from the bed. "I'm gonna go downstairs really quickly. Come down when you're ready alright." Kevin nodded, not looking up.

Edd closed the door from behind him and walkes downstairs, a happy feeling drowning him. He felt love drunk. He smiled as he walked down the steps. He looked at the clock.

"5:24. Hmm." Edd went into the living room and closed all the curtains, making the room dark. He grabbed went into a few closets until he found a match and some candles, and set them on the coffee table.

He then went into the kitchen and made up some popcorn that he found in the cupboard. He looked through a stack of movies that were on top of Kevins TV. As he was looking through them, Kevin came downstairs. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Ah Kevin. Come and watch a movie with me! Why don't we watch The Notebook?"

Kevin blinked at Edd, surprised. "You're not-" Edd put his finger to his lips. Kevin sighed and sat on the couch. Edd put the DvD into the DvD Player and quickly joined Kevin in the couch, setting the popcorn in his lap.

He pressed play and then for the next 38 minutes the boys sat in silence. As the 30 minute mark showed on the DvD Player. Edd took a silent breath and shakily put his head on Kevins shoulder. Kevin jumped a little, looking down at the boy.

"Edd... What're you doing?"

"Kevin. It is impolite to talk during a movie."

"But I'm confused as fuck! Why are you leading me on like this? I get it! I'm disgusting! But I love you and I can't help-"

Edd planted a kiss onto Kevins, eyes closed and heart pounding. With each passing second he became more aggresive. Edd could feel Kevin grab his waist and melt into the kiss himself. The two boys fought for dominance until finally Kevin snuck his tongue into Edds mouth.

Edd pulled closer to Kevin, their tongues dancing together so passionatly. After a few minutes, the boys broke apart to catch their breath.

"I can't help loving you either Kevin. And I thought if I told you my feelings, you'd hate me again."

"I never hated you." And the two boys began kissing again, slowly and passionatly. For Edd and Kevin, the world seemed to fall into the perfect place for them.

I'm In Love With a Dork.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang