Chapter 9

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Kevin fiddled with his pencil when Edd was in math. He kept thinking of what the two could do that night. Play videogames? Watch Netflix? Ride bikes? No. That was all things Kevin wanted to do. He needed to figure out what Edd wanted to do. He thought long and hard. Edd hadn't changed. He still loved reading, learning, exploring, building.

Kevin laid his head on his desk. He still didn't quite understand his feelings toward Edd. They never showed up before. Why now? And did this mean he was gay? Or bi? Or was he just curious? So many questions and zero answers.

Kevin closed his eyes as his social teacher babbled about the economy and other stuff Kevin didn't care about. Darkness clouded his eyes. Until he heard a voice.

"I hurt Kevin! Owie!"

Kevin looked down at Edd, it began raining and Edd was getting soaked. He had scratches all over him and he was crying.

"Hey, Edd. It's alright. its just a few scraps."


Kevin stared at Edd. He lifted his hand scratched circles around his back. "Shh." He whispered. Edd began to quiet down.

Kevin smiled at his friend as he began to dry his eyes, which was hard in the rain. After the lost tear fell, Edd looked at Kevin. Kevins eyes turned wide as Edd moved closer to Kevin's body. His face turned red and his heart beat rocketed.

Edd finally closed his arms around Kevin. Kevin froze for a second, before closing his arms around his friend. A warm feeling blanketed Kevin, even through the cold, wet rain. Kevin smiled.

"I... Lo-"

"Mr. Kevin! Would you like to sleep AFTER school?"

Kevin shot awake, his heart melting and forehead sweating. His teacher was standing over him. "Sorry." he mumbled. As the teacher walked away, all he could think about was his dream. Which was actually a memory!

Why did I forget about it soooo long? Have I been denying my feelings for so long? How could I do that anyway?

Kevin put his head in his hand. As he did, the bell rang. Kevin's heart sped up. He was going to have a sleepover with Edd. He didn't know what to expect tonight, but he hoped he wouldn't kiss the nerd.

I can't hurt him. I can't. I did so many times for so long. I can't kiss him... Can I?

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