After successfully rescuing the food and ensuring it is safely covered for the arrival of the others, you find yourself unable to resist the allure of Turles' pouting expression. Your tail sways playfully, mirroring the amusement dancing in your eyes.

"I think someone's a little wound up, Turles," you tease, unable to contain a mischievous grin. His glare only serves to intensify the playful banter between you.

However, before you can fully comprehend his intentions, Turles swiftly lifts you over his shoulder, your protests falling on deaf ears. With a mix of surprise and anticipation, you find yourself being carried upstairs to his room, the sound of your laughter filling the air.

As Turles enters his room, he gently tosses you onto the plush surface of his large bed, causing you to land on your stomach. His tail sways with a hint of annoyance, contrasting with the playful atmosphere that surrounds you both.

You gaze up at Turles, your tail swaying in the air with a playful energy. As he growls with desire, moving to continue the intimate connection you had started earlier, a spark of anticipation ignites within you.

However, amidst the escalating passion, Turles suddenly pauses, his intense gaze softening as he looks down at you. His tail fluffs up gently, a sign of his own internal conflict. Instead of proceeding further, he leans down to pepper your lips with tender kisses, his actions filled with a mixture of affection and concern.

"I see now," he murmurs, his voice laced with realization. "You're actually in heat. I forgot that it tends to happen with you."

Confusion flickers across your face as you try to comprehend his words. Before you can voice your thoughts, Turles gently pulls you into his lap, cradling you with a mixture of tenderness and protectiveness.

You let out a soft whine, your primal desires clouding your thoughts as you continue to engage in intimate moments with Turles. Affectionate kisses are exchanged between you, fueling the fire of desire that burns within.

Turles, however, exercises restraint, holding himself back despite his own longing. His hands move in soothing circles on your lower back, attempting to calm the storm of passion that rages within you both.

Deep down, Turles knows the consequences of giving in to your desires completely. He understands the importance of self-control and the potential complications that may arise from indulging in the heat of the moment.

As the sound of the others returning grows closer, Turles reluctantly sets you back down on his bed, his gaze filled with a mix of longing and responsibility. "Stay here," he instructs, his voice gentle yet firm.

You pout, nodding softly, and obediently lay down as Turles disappears from the room, closing the door behind him. Left alone, you find yourself yearning for his return, your body still aflame with desire.

Downstairs, Turles maintains a calm demeanor as he joins the others, his gaze primarily focused on Goku and Vegeta. "We've got a problem," he announces, his voice carrying a hint of concern and urgency.

Both Goku and the others, including Goten, Gohan, and Trunks, turn their attention to Turles with a mix of concern and confusion. Their worry for you is evident, even before Turles reveals the reason for his urgency.

"What's wrong?" Goku asks, his voice filled with genuine concern as he looks to Turles for answers. Turles crosses his arms, his expression serious. "She's in heat."

The statement leaves Goku and the others perplexed, struggling to grasp the significance of the situation. However, Vegeta's face pales as he quickly comprehends the urgency and potential complications that come with a Saiyan in heat.

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