50 Blunder

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Part 50 Blunder

Sheetal's video created a big wave in the media. It made the channel touch the peak in TRP. At the same time, it touched Ayurvedi's EGO also. He was furious like hell with Sheetal. He was the top lawyer in India. The great politicians of India were waiting for his appointment. A useless woman brought him into the media light in the worst way. That made him furious.

"Who the hell is she? How dare she talk about me like that?"

"Sir, she murdered her boyfriend in the court campus. She helped her boyfriend to smuggle drugs it seemed" his junior said.

"She is a married woman, sir. But her husband is not a father of her daughter" another one said.

Ayurvedi frowned.

"What a cheap story is this?"

"Yes, sir, she is a drunkard and recently got a drug habit too. This is all her boyfriend's statement. He became an approver. That's why she got angry with him and killed him in the court campus itself"

Ayurvedi looked at them unbelievably. What kind of woman she was!

"Being a murderer, smuggler, drunkard, how she is so haughty? Anything that we are missing?" Ayurvedi questioned.

"It's because she is a millionaire, sir"

"Millionaire my foot... I am getting paid millions for my cases. Having a few million in her account, does she think she can bow down in front of her? Bloody murderer... She spoilt my reputation" He gritted his teeth.

"Make sure no lawyer should take her case" Ayurvedi ordered to his juniors.

"Ok, Sir... But..." He hesitated.

"Whaaaat? Any problem?

"Media people are waiting for your interview, sir"

Ayurvedi got an alert. He knew why they were there. They would nag him about the interview. He didn't want to miss the chance. He decided to make it in his favor. Taking a few minutes, he came out of his office. In no time, media people surrounded him with mics.

"Sir, have you watched Sheetal Kapoor's video in which she talked about you?"

"What do you think about the video, sir?"

"Being one of the big lawyers in India, what did you feel while watching it?"

"Are you going to take Sheetal Kapoor's case?"

The reporters questioned him without a gap as usual. He smiled coolly suppressing his anger. After all, he was skilled to show himself what he wanted.

"Who is Sheetal?" He asked maintaining a smile.

"Didn't you watch her video?" A reporter asked.

"I have no time to watch videos you know... "

"But, that video is about you, sir"

"That's why my juniors watched it and just told me about it"

"What have you decided sir?"

"What's there to decide?"

"Are not you going to take her case?"

"I am dealing with very important political cases... I have no time to think about silly cases"

"But you can deal it through your juniors because she is ready to give you piles of money"

Ayurvedi knew they taunting him hinting about Sheetal's statement.

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