49 Bull-headed woman

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Part 49 Bull-headed woman

Arnav left the place furiously. Roy didn't like the way Sheetal talked to Arnav. He already didn't like her attitude. So, he decided to quit the case. However, the case was hopeless. There was no single point that could save Sheetal. So, there was no use in arguing for Sheetal.

But to his surprise, before he declared his decision, Sheetal said.

"Mr. Roy, you just retreat from the case"

Roy was stunned and also confused. What was she up to? What is she going to do without him?

"I'm going to appoint a famous lawyer in India, Mr. Ayurvedi to the case because you have no potential to break the case"

Her stand surely touched Roy's ego. How dare she...! She should be defeated in a cunning way, thought Mr. Roy.

"But, he is one of the busiest lawyers in India, Ma'am. How would you get his appointment?" he asked with a fake worry.

"What so big deal? I can get him into the case by throwing money in his face. I'm not that old Sheetal who expected Arnav for my expenses. I'm a millionaire now. I can buy not one Ayurvedi but ten Ayurvedis"

"He has a reputation, Maam"

"Reputation my foot... everyone is running for money. When I'm ready to give it to him, he will find a reputation in my feet"

"Why do you want Arnav to take over the responsibility of your property? Why did you say you are ready to give him the power of your property?"

"Knowingly or unknowingly, my name is completely damaged. How could I repair it? I can't do it alone. I need someone who has goodwill in society. Who else could it be other than Arnav? And I can't trust anyone other than him"

"But, you never trusted him before"

"At that time, I didn't realize"

"Do you do that now?"

"What else I'm doing in jail?"

"Oh... so, you realized Arnav is better than anyone"

"Yes, if he waited for me, people will think, I'm worthy of it. Automatically, people will respect me"

"But, Arnav denied"

"He will accept..."

"how do you say...?"

"I have a trump card called KHUSHI... my daughter. I will snatch her from him. She is my daughter. If I snatch Khushi from him, then he will come to me"

Roy was stuck. Being Arnav's lawyer, he could not let it happen. He wanted to stop Sheetal at the beginning itself.

"If he denied accepting my proposal, I will prove she is my daughter through a DNA test. Then he can never near her"

Roy was awestruck. How cunning this woman was! She never let Khushi call her mother and now, when she wanted a favor from Arnav, she didn't hesitate to claim Khushi as her daughter. How cheap!

"I will not let him marry Khushi. If he married her, I and my property will be left alone. I won't let it happen. He is in the dream of marrying her. Until I'm alive, he could not do that"

"But why Maam?"

"I used to keep him under my control"

"Excuse me, Maam, he was never in your control"

"He will be... from here on. He was attached to my daughter Khushi. It's enough for me to get him under my control. Until he had no one for himself, he was quiet. After Khushi came back to his life, he became overconfident"

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