38 Where is Suman?

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Part 38 Where was Suman?

The cops surrounded Sheetal's car. That made Sheetal and Sarath shocked from TWO different angles. Sheetal thought the police would arrest her for sending goons to kill Khushi and Suman whereas Sarath feared something else. Sheetal made up herself. Lowering the car window,

"what's the matter, Inspector? Why are you interrupting my way?" she asked gutful.

"You are under arrest because we suspect you in Suman Mathur's missing case"

"Whaaat? Suman is missing? No, Inspector, I did nothing"

"Khushi Gupta filed a complaint against you. You have to come to the police station"

"She is lying... she has an illegal affair with my husband..."

"We know that... your husband was also with her when she filed a complaint and Suman Mathur is missing since yesterday night. We are strongly suspecting you in this"

"How could you suspect me just because he is missing?"

"It's because you sent goons to kill Khushi Gupta and Suman Mathur"

"Why would I kill them?"

"Didn't you say, she has an illegal affair with your husband? And Suman was with them in this. So, you planned to remove them from your path. That's why you killed Suman Mathur"

"No... it's not true"

"You can say anything but not here. Come to the police station"

"I want to talk to my lawyer"

"You will be given a chance to prove your innocence, Madam... now come with us"

"We will come in my car," Sheetal said.

"No... I can't allow it..."

The inspector looked at the constable.

"Check the car..." he ordered.

Sarath's face became pale.

The constable checked the back seat of the car and went to the dicky. He opened it and found a cardboard box in it. Opening it, he saw some packets in it. He tore a packet and smelled it. As it didn't have a smell, he tasted it, keeping it on the tip of his tongue.

"sir... cocaine, sir..." He shouted.

Sheetal became horrified and looked at Sarath who gulped down.

"Cocaine?" Sheetal shivered.

The constable came up with a packet and gave it to the inspector. The inspector also checked it by keeping it on his tongue and confirmed it was cocaine indeed.

"Your husband said you are a drinker but I didn't expect you would be a drug user," the inspector said.

"No, sir... it's not mine" Sheetal yelled.

"Yeah... everyone who is caught red-handed would say like this only"

"Sir, trust me, I don't know how these packets came into my car... Sarath is the one who took my car last evening"

"What? Me? What are you talking about, Sheetal? How could you do this to me?"

Sarath looked at the inspector.

"Sir, I don't know why Sheetal criminates me for something I didn't know anything about. I don't even know she uses drugs. I didn't expect her to be so cheap. I feel ashamed to be a friend of hers" Sarath defended himself, degrading Sheetal which was a big blow to Sheetal. She didn't expect him to do that. She knew the cocaine was somehow related to Sarath because he was the one who used her car last.

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