Chapter 6

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"Nyla." Rhyley whistles.

I snap my head to him. He sits on the other side of the lunch table holding up his drawing for the project.

"Does it look ok?"

I nod and grab it.

I touch up a few things then hand it back. He smiles in appreciation.

He nudges his head toward mine. "What's goin on with yours?"

I hold it up and show him the stick figures. he chuckles, I'm going to turn it in just like this.

"Nyla I know your an amazing artist, why just sticks?"

I shrug.

"Hey guys, Nyla." Brody stops to address me then looks back to Rhyley.

"They found the bodies of the ones that hurt you the other day, heart gone from there bodies, only 2 of them though, I saw 3." he says the last part confused. I don't get why he didn't want to say it in front of me? I already know about wolves, well to them I just found out but I still know.

I smile to myself, proud I did what I did.

"Hm. Either you have someone powerful on your side Rhyley or someone else was out to get them too, and even then a human can't rip a heart out from someone else's chest." Brody tells him.

I take a bite out of my green apple watching them talk back and fourth about it.

My phone beeps.

*were leaving for a business trip, we left you 5,000 for food and main supply's only. Goodbye Nyla see you in a month.*

I close the flip phone not bothering to reply.

Bitch thought I cared. Nope.

"Someone is heading this way." Brody says nosing his head forward.

I stand up and shake the dudes hand.

Thank god for no one noticing the shit were passing as we do a simple handshake.

He nods at me. Then he leans forward to whisper in my ear.

"Soren wants to see you, says he has some news."

I nod and sit back down as he walks away. Fuck I hate Soren, and if your wandering, I got bored so decided to sell drugs.

"Nyla? Who was that?" I continue typing on my phone as I shrug.

"Nyla are you in trouble?"

I shake my head.

I stand up leaving the tray.

I walk home forgetting about the rest of the classes.

I throw my bag on the floor next to my desk and fall backwards on my bed.

Man I'm tired.



I shoot up from my oddly straight sleeping position.

I walk downstairs to see Brody and Rhyley.

"Something happened between you and that man earlier at school, we waited until 3 to come talk to you, so now tell us." Rhyley says all in one sentence.

Glass shatters making me run for the two of them. I push them over the sofa making them land in front of it on the ground, since the back of the sofa is facing the doorway, and the broken window.

The door flys open.

I growl at there faces.

Was it necessary to break my fucking window damn retards.

They smile as I growl.

"Just making a visit. Nyla, we heard your parents left."

I just stare.

"Grab them."

I look over to see them have a blade to Brody's and Rhyleys neck.

I tense and look back.

"Someone took the hearts of our best men out, we want to know who, someone said you would know."

I shake my head just as I hear heels clinking.

"O really now Nyla, no need to lie"

The voice I never thought I'd hear again.

"Mom?" I croak.


Hey!! So you know the deal, vote, positive comments! Sorry it's a little short, I'm on my half and decided to finish what I was writing and post it. so here you go!

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