planning of ruhi's marriage-3

Start from the beginning

Both of them then continued with their work.

~Flashback Ends~

~Present Time~

Ruhi's Mom - But sweets are named sweets because they are the sweetest what could be more sweeter than know
Jimin - Wrong !!
Taehyung's dad - What are trying to say Jimin-ah !? Whats the answer then !!
Jimin (while looking at ruhi)- What wanted to say is clearly understood by the person I wanted to so that...that person could remember the past and once again think to whom that person belongs to !!

Meanwhile Taehyung and yn who were standing together..

Taehyung - Jagi..Did you cry !?
Yn - what happened !?
Taehyung - There are dry tears marks on your means you cried ! What happened !? Did anyone said anything to you...Be free to tell me, I will always protect you !!
Yn - No one said anything.
Taehyung - yn..Don't lie to me..tell the truth !
Yn - Actually when I was trying to stop their roka, ruhi's dad noticed it and he scolded me saying that he doesn't want any kind of inference in between this roka..It would be better for him if ruhi marry to Abhinav.
Taehyung - What the Heck !!? How can't he see the sadness on ruhi's face and the smile formed on her face after seeing Jimin.
Yn - now who goes and explain this thing to him or anyone....he told not to make his and family image down in front of many people.
Taehyung - Now I don't understand that what Jimin is trying to do or say..he would also be scolded for sure.
Yn - But love is bigger than anything so with whomever ruhi would find her happiness with, she should marry that person only na..and her father too want to see her happy so who knows that he agrees with Jimin.
Taehyung - Hmm..Let's see, who will win !? Jimin or Abhinav !
Ruhi's dad - Jimin beta....please....Let this roka be proceed further !! We all will talk about sweets and all later on.
Jimin - Never !
Ruhi's dad- What !?
Abhinav - Oh hello..Jimin, what's wrong with !! We are already late, don't waste time and also pls stay away from my fiancée.
Jimin (scoff) - You Fiancée...In your dreams.
Abhinav - What !?

All were quite and listening....Jimin gave his hand to ruhi and she accepted it..He made her stand while some were still trying to process the things.

Taehyung's mom - Jimin, what are you doing ? Her Roka is going on and-
Jimin - SO WHAT !?

Abhinav stood up from the floor and hold ruhi's hand from one side while Jimin hold it from another hand.

Abhinav - Jimin...Leave...Her...Hand. She is my Fiancée and you are just her better don't interrupt in our function.
Jimin (pointing fingers at him) - I never left her before and I am not going to leave her now also..Do whatever you want but she is not going to be with you..and that is MY Final Decision !!
Ruhi's dad - Jimin !! See, I respect you and I know that you are her friend..but now she is soon going to get marry so better behave as a friend and nothing else.
Jimin - And what if I don't !!
Taehyung's dad - Jimin..What behaviour is this !! Hn !!
Taehyung's mom - How many do I need to explain you that don't talk to your elders like that !!!!
Jimin (speaking loudly) - And what if a elder is only don't I have the right to correct his decision !!!!
Ranbir (a little angry) - So you want to say that ruhi's dad is wrong !!
Jimin - YESSS !!! He is WRONG !! and you all are wrong...You all are making the wrong decision by making ruhi marry to a guy with whom she never want to be.
Ruhi's dad - Jimin...We are her parents..And we have the full rights on her-
Jimin - If you have full rights on her then you might know what is right and wrong for her !!
Mrs. Sinha - So do you wanna say that our Son is a wrong guy..he isn't good for ruhi !!
Jimin - Listen Aunty, I am not blaming your son..that he is wrong or right or whatever...I am not judging him and la m not even interested in him...I just want to say that if they are her parents then they should understand her...ask her whether she is willing to do that thing or not !! I admit that she is your daughter, whatever you both will do for her is right but there is something call happiness too....and your daughter, ruhi doesn't find her happiness with Abhinav and she is not happy with this marriage...Can't you even see her face and Judge....did you even ask her whether she is happy with this marriage or not...I don't think you all did...Even any one of you asked her what's her will..does she wants to marry him or Not !!!!!
Jimin - She is the one who is gonna spend her WHOLE DAMN LIFE with someone !!!! Might be Abhinav be the right guy but what if your daughter won't ever be happy him...It's her freaking life !! Let her make the decisions...not for everytime....but atleast for once specially when its her most important time !!!
Abhinav - If your extra information is over then can you leave her hand...You are no one to her..but only a friend...No one is gonna listen to your knowledgeable Gyaan Baatu Uncle...Better shut your mouth and don't spread your useless knowledge or bad impact on anyone else I have my own ways to make you out of here !!
Ruhi - ABHINAV !!

YN × taehyung (Ft. J.M, Jk And Hobi) (Indian ff)Where stories live. Discover now