Part one- The guild

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Pov Asina -

"Asina" Sadie hollered across the guild that was always Loud and rowdy as always, that itself brought a smile to my face. I remember when we first started to appear some of us so afraid and in shock the whole guild was quite. But now it was so lively and full of joy. This guild has changed us forever and it truly was unbelievable.

"Hey Sadie, hey girls, anything planned for today?" The rest of the girls sitting down on the long tables stared as me as I sat down. Daisy shook her head a cute blond curly headed girl that reached her shoulders, her eyes big and innocent and pure green like nature. She was a small little thing yet adorable with her rosey colored cheeks "Um.. not, Asi." She shyly held her pink teddy bear that she carried everywhere. She was beyond pure it really did make me want to protect her at all cost.

But I was no fool, she is as pure as pure can be. But she had a dark side that came out when... it all began. She couldn't hurt a fly but once you put a sniper in her hand, she was a killer machine to say the least. But, she herself wasn't the only innocent one. Next to her was Rain, almost the complete opposite besides their innocence.

She had dark, straight hair that seemed to reach almost her bum with brown eyes. She was 5'1 which was the same height as Daisy. She too wasn't as innocent as she seemed. I watched Rain as she herself held herself close. She was so intelligent, she could hack into nearly any data base if she really wanted to in a matter of seconds, though she also had a soft spot for her bombs.

"I heard master pervy was out again and went to visit Laros, he shouldn't be back until next month." Spoke Zara. Zara was the definition of confident, she held herself high and took no disrespect from no one. She was beyond beautiful just as the other girls in this guild, at 5'6, her red hair was beyond silky smooth, her stare was powerful and made you want to crawl into a hole and die. She was even deadlier with her Sais.

"Again? Geez, it seems like every other day he goes off and spends his money like it's toilet paper." Ro exhales. We couldn't deny she was right, he was always off somewhere. Ro was the definition of soothing yet she had a silver tongue at times. She was a beautiful color of dark chocolate, her hair in a delicate fro with a green head band, her coffee brown eyes calming as ever. She loved nature and singing with a passion.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was wiping his ass with his money." Ruby laughed. She too was a very... silver tongued. She was fierce, heartless at times but she was beyond funny. She had striking hazel eyes with jet black hair that was into a badass bob. She looked like an attractive assassin in those action movies. She was the tallest out of all of us at 5'8.

Daisy and Rain gasped in sync, Daisy lectured Ruby once again, it was a daily thing at this point "You can't say curse words! It's very naughty Ru!" Ruby looked bad about it "I'm sorry! I totally forgot." Though Ruby was quite the spirit she as well as all the other people in this guild had a soft spot for both these adorable girls.

Angelica giggled "But you do have a point Ruby, I wonder what important business he has over there." Angelica had beautiful grey eyes that complimented her beautiful brown hair her face like her name Angelic and full of beautiful freckles. She was 5'4 and quite a nature admirer like Ro, she adored singing as well as interacting with wild animals.

I looked back at Sadie who was a blond hair blue eyed deva, she was the life of the party. She was 5'5 and full of energy. I stare blankly at her hoping she takes my message of passing me my breakfast. She of course does and I politely thank her. I had green eyes and long coal black hair, my checks rosey too but i was just because I was born like that. I was two inches shorter than Sadie.

I digged into my food watching and hearing as the girls go on into the conversation. The guild has around 50 assassins including us, all of the assassins were women with only two guys who were let in due to a special occasion. We might seem like a small guild but we were the best of the best in our fields in this world. We were known as the Angles of reads in this world, we ruled and took owner ship of this world. We were all rich and lived on a HUGE piece of land. It contained everything we would ever want. Houses, a big beach, and mountain full of nature and wild animals so the people that loved nature could enjoy.

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