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This story is the kind of story that brings joy, sadness, and regret. Powerful people from different universities the very ones that run their own world, the first on the food chain. What if they all meet each other due to what seemed like a tragedy which slowly turned into something more that a merm tragedy.. something beautiful.

These men are on the top, dons to billionaires all cold blooded people who rule there empires with an iron fist. But they all something very in common, all of their women have seemed to disappear off the face of the earth with their children along side them. What if those who's personality range from daddy's girls to women who are fierce come to meet and seem to get stronger together?

They make a guild who was ran by a pervy but loving old man and become way more powerful than anything a simple don or billionaires have seen?

4 years pass from the disappearance of all women, in that while there was a group of powerful evil people that want to ruin every universe. What will these women do? They must go through pain and suffering once more, let's hope this time there's a happy ending.

⚠️ sexual content, and well as mentions of rape and other graphic subjects. Please be aware and don't read this book If so, always take of yourself ❤️⚠️

This is a romantic fantasy story please enjoy

The assassins from the abliss Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora