Chapter 01: The Breach

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The sound of stone breaking could be heard ringing through the air, alongside the sounds of cricket singing and grass dancing

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The sound of stone breaking could be heard ringing through the air, alongside the sounds of cricket singing and grass dancing. The sound continued and increased off to the side of the wall, the occasional rock fell from the wall onto the hungry mouths below. Small holes had been made in the wall, a series of stepping holds for a massive being. More holes were made on the surface of the Walls as the giant continued up the surface. Putting one claw on the top of the wall and another before pulling himself up and looking over the horizon, the giant was approximately 15 meters tall, large enough to carry a grown man around as if he were a toy. Its body was broad and brawny, however, its most defining feature is the Orche-colored, bony plates of armor covering almost its entire body with only a few sections left uncovered for freedom of movement. Over its shoulders were rhin, blocky shoulder guards, and form-fitting gauntlets around the arms. Its head stares down with an angry countenance, its faceplate being divided into 3 sections, from the scalp and top of the mask emerges a mane of stringy, blonde hair, and at the bottom of the mask emerges a full, messy beard. In the very middle was a gap exposing the reddish muscle, and in the middle were organic lenses protecting the eyes.

The Titan silently scouts the area, nothing but forest for as far as the eye can see

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The Titan silently scouts the area, nothing but forest for as far as the eye can see. Good. No one's going to see them get down. For a second he had forgotten about the fact that he wasn't alone. He lifted up one clawed hand and brought it up to his scalp and rubbed it down until he felt a small shivering frame on the middle of the scalp. The boy gripped his locks as if his life depended on it. Which it did given he was more than 50 meters in the air now, feeling the set of fingers on his back did little to comfort the shaking boy. The Titan looked back once at the forestry beyond the wall and then down at the hungry jaws below before looking forward and sliding off the top of the wall. He bashed his clawed feet and hands into the wall and held them there to slow his descent. In just a few short seconds he had reached the floor.

The Titan made sure the child on his head was still there and thankfully he was. He then scoped out the environment, specifically for a discreet enough location to stay for the night. He needed to find somewhere for them to rest and conceal themselves in. However, he needed to do it fast as well since the mere sound of him walking could draw a significant amount of unwanted attention. The Titan stood up and began a light-footed walk deeper into the Wall's territory. This walk lasted for no more than 30 minutes but felt like it lasted an eternity. Finally, a saving grace revealed itself, a massive forest in the distance one which he could see thanks to the trees being much taller than any he had seen before. He wondered how effective a hiding place that forest would make if he could climb up enough to lay himself and the boy upon the branches and sleep for the night. Getting down will require him transforming which won't be such an issue as long as he can rest for a bit. This will do.

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