I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [6]

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The buzzing of the old alarm clock interrupted my dreams all too soon; like it always does.

You would think I would be use to it by now, it has happened every amorning since I could remember; the same dream but with a new tale. The girl with long wavy black hair and the emerald green eyes that always dominated my dreaming, sometimes making it impossible to acquire the restful sleep that I always seem to be lacking no matter how long I sleep.

Who was this girl? I had no idea

Does she even exist? Probably not.

Why do I dream of her every night? I have no clue, but she is the only thing have ever been able to dream about. Not even as a child was I free of her the only difference was that she was younger, she ages like me, with me even. All I know is that no matter what is happening in my dream she can’t see me, or here me; I am invisible to her…


“LUCUS GET YOUR LAZY ARSE OUT OF BED! We have a train to catch”

Jonathon. One of the many jerks that make up my pack. He was a well muscled 20 year old college drop out whose sole joy in life was ganging up with the rest of the pack to patronize me day in and day out. Compared to them I was a twig; Well not a twig per say, I’m not lanky or anything I am just in proportion where the others have suspiciously large muscles that even through they are werewolves they are still huge.  

“Hey! Luci you better hurry up we are leaving in ten minutes and from what I have heard you haven’t even packed, ha! Guess who is going to be freezing their tail off?”

“Don’t Call ME LUCI!!!!”

“Ha-ha what ever Lucinda, but seriously get your arse down stairs we have a train to catch and we promised Mari we wouldn’t leave you behind. By the way you would be cat food if you weren’t Mari’s favorite.” And with that he was off down the stairs chuckling menacingly as he went.

I rolled over trying to be the last seconds of sleep only to find I rolled out of my warm be onto the cold wooden floor. I gently got myself up and disgruntled I started rummaging through my draws looking for anything that looked somewhat warm and wearable for the next two years while we were paying off a pack debt to the local Seattle pack. Stupid Marvin he knew the crap he would get us in when her ran off with the alphas daughter Sophia, but he didn’t care, he had her now; Somewhere in Peru  starting a new life together leaving the rest of us here to pay his debt. What hurts most is not that he left but that he did not tell me his plan. I thought we were best friends, I thought we shared everything with each other, I thought he trusted me enough that he would of told me what he had been planning but he didn’t. Not that it mattered. He was happy, he has the life he wanted; One of normality. 

Once I had packed whatever was in my small room that I thought I would need I scattered down the stairs to be met with an array of disapproving looks. I am almost 18 and they still look at me like I am a child, and they teat me like one as well. I had known them and been apart of this pack for more than 5 years. They still treat me like they did when I first joined the pack when my father was alpha.

 My dad had stepped down not long after I had joined but he still lived in the pack house as any other member. That was when the Alpha battle occurred, lone werewolves came from all over seeking the position of alpha-male and within a week there was a blood bath in the surrounding forest. The pack was in so much ciaos with members fighting between themselves about alpha, no one but me noticed when my father slipped out and disappeared. To date I have no clue what happened to him, nor does anyone in the pack.

During this blood bath was when Mari first appeared; every wolf involved noticed her presence and when they were not fighting for alpha they were fighting for her. Mari was only 16 at the time, which to a werewolf is the age of adulthood. She just stood on the sidelines, silently watching, playing coy as wolves ripped each other apart, playing with her golden locks fluttering her bright blue eyes. she watched as 70 wolves turned to 2 and then finally 1. The last wolf standing was ruthless and I had a feeling that if he were our new alpha this would not be our last blood bath. I think Cory was his name, but I am not sure; You see we never got a chance to ask because as he stepped back from the body of the wolf he had just killed, Mari walked straight up to him a warm smile on her face; she kissed him and then snapped his neck in one swift movement.

 Now according to Wolf law in the event of an alpha battle the new alpha is the last wolf standing after the fighting ends; usually that ends up being a muscled up guy with power hunger, and it was until Mari killed him. Which made her our new Alpha.

Mari never gave us time to adjust to her new ruling, if we didn’t respect her or follower her orders she became cruel, using her alpha power to force us to do her will. Needless to say most of us learned fast.

Since the beginning she has always taken a liking to me, I don’t know why, she just has. The rest of the pack have resented me since, they all want to be her favorite; which sounds absolutely stupid considering much of the pack are over 18.

When we got to the train station Mari was waiting for us, and she was not happy.

‘Where have you been!!!! The train leaves in 10 minutes and here you are strolling up like your on some bloody Sunday stroll! Get in the damn train before I throw you onto the tracks!’

We piled on the train faster than you could sat ‘Chugga Chugga’, all 15 of us; why? Because Mari never bluffs, she would throw us onto the tracks and then make sure we couldn’t get out. Apart from being somewhat psychotic Mari was a brilliant alpha and not that anyone would say it to her we were all glad that she had won the battle 5 years before….


OMG I finally made it to two pages ,

this is unedited so bear with it, I am horrible at editing my own work as I know what I am trying to say and therefore insert the missing  information in my head :S but one of my friends has offered to edit it so we shall see :D

comment, like, vote whatever you want love to hear feed back :D

Soooo yeah more characters yay XD 

tell me what you think 

thanks for reading 




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