I am not a Ghost... You just can't see me [5]

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It was some ungodly hour when the plane finally landed; the first thing to greet me as I made my way off the plane was the luminous sign stating:


So I was in Seattle. I think I can deal with that.  I had never been to Seattle before so this was a promising new start for my next journey. Not wasting anytime I headed straight for the airport’s rather flimsy boundary fence. weaving my way around luggage carts, engineers and the airplanes that hectically intertwined on the tarmac.

When I had reached the fence line, I turned back to see ‘Feather-Duster’ being transported to a different plane. This would be last I would see of that fluffy abomination… at least I hope so… that dog gives me the creeps.

The icy winter air bit at my face and hands. I was not dressed for freezing. The first thing I needed to do was find shelter. I made my way over under the area of fence line that backed onto a small forest area where the fence had become weak and flimsy. Once I had cleared the boundary I briskly began walking in an easterly direction following the directions of the compass on my iPod touch.

Although I travel a lot, I am very much geographically challenged and I have very little sense of direction so the only reason I was traveling east was to get away from the airport; in doing so hopefully I would come across I warm place to shelter.

Like deja vu I found myself walking aimlessly to nowhere; I had done this many times during my invisible life the only difference the surroundings. As I made my way through the Forrest making my way over fallen trees and large rocks I heard the threat of thunderclouds rumbling just ahead; this was all I needed.

I quickened my pace to a controlled run; my eyes darting from side to side is search of anything to shelter me from what would only be a cruel onslaught of freezing rain.

And there it was. My savior; A run down old cabin that looked as though it had been forgotten about for years. The large logs that it was constructed of looked as if any moment they would crumble into sawdust; but it was better than dying of hypothermia and frostbite.

I ran to the door to find it locked, not that that was a problem; the wonders of bobby pins and a little practice. Within a minute I was inside the old cabin, only to be met with a sight that I couldn’t believe… 


I know it is really short but at the moment i am suffering from jet lag so yeah...

this is un-edited so excuse any really big mistakes :S

comment if you want 

hope you enjoy

hopefully I will update soon :D

I am not a Ghost ... You just can't see meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ