AAAAAAARGH!!!!! 🥋💥😰🤖🕴

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Milou fell into a hole. He randomly died. Rats came and scurried on him.

Meanwhile, Simon was running to nowhere. The encounter with Ninja had scared him so bad that he would run for eternity. But then, mist randomly came. Simon got blind and steered in the wrong direction, and fell into the grand canyon. Simon screamed in chaos as he fell.

But suddenly, Simon had a vision of the father screaming with abs. It have him the power to fly back up the canyon even though he didn't have powers. It seemed that the father was useful even in death. Simon screamed in victory.

But suddenly, the mist was everywhere. Simon got scared, but it didn't help when he realized that the mist was actually fog. Just as the stories had foretold, the fog had come.

Simon wanted to escape the fog. So, he ran to Taco Bell and ate a centimeter of their food. Then, he shat so hard that he flew out of the atmosphere. He went so far that he landed on Pluto. He was finally at peace. He screamed in victory, but it was silent because space didn't want to hear his skrunkly voice. Simon got mad at space for not liking his voice. He screamed again. This time, it sounded and it was loud. So loud that it blew him away from Pluto and back to Earth. Simon had won the fight thanks to his voice.

But before he could land on Earth, The Skeld flew in front of him. Simon screamed in fear as he hit the cold hard metal and it hurt. He didn't pass out though.

"Guys let me in!1!!1!1!1!1!" Simon demanded meanly to the crewmates. They were looking at him through the window.

The crewmates decided that he was sus. So they made him fly away. Simon screamed in anger because he had been caught.

Simon was not an Imposter. Two Imposters remain.

Oh nvm

Then, the two Imposters revealed themselves and started killing everyone. The crewmates screamed in pain. But it was their fault; if they had let Simon in, he could have defeated the Imposters since he helped the crewmates win in the chapter where he rebelled against Pride Month. R.I.P bozos, this is all your fault.

Now, Simon was flying away at the speed of light. He was going away from Earth at a rapid pace. He needed to stop this.

Simon needed to find a way to escape space. Because now, he was stuck in space forever!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!

Simon the HomelessWhere stories live. Discover now