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Simon knew what to do.

He used his mind control powers to control the bits of him that were inside Satan. He made them return to him.

They burst through Satan's stomach. EACH. PIECE.

"GÆGÆGAAGAGÆGE" He screamed, but then..... he.... died.

"NOOOOO OLD SCRATCH WHYYYY" Gaspard yelled and began sucking his thumb in grief. But THEN...

The dorito pieces went through Gaspard's stomach to reunite with the other Dorito pieces.

Gaspard's last words were...

"One thing I don't know why it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to explain in due time all I know time is a valuable thing watch it fly by as the pendulum swings watch it count down till the end of the day the clock ticks life away it's so unreal didn't look out below watch the time to right out the window trying to hold on didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart what it meant to be will eventually be a memory of the time I tried so ha-"

But he died before he could finish....... tragic 😔😔😔😔😩😩😩

The dorito pieces merged together, and Simon became a whole dorito again. He then turned into a dragon, and Gaspard exploded on impact

But then Gaspard randomly came back to life unharmed

"I hate you Gaspard!1!1!!1!" Simon roared (actually this time 😟) "I'm going to Antarctica to find mummy and daddy so I can tattle on you!!!"

"no u" The legend of roasting spoke yet again; Gaspard.

Then he took a Nonbinary flag out of the void of distant space and threw it at dragon Simon. He then turned into...

a rock!?1?1?!?

"NO GASPARD I'M STRAIGHT AND MALE AND I WANT A STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE" Simon said offensively. Everyone in the mall gasped offendedly.

"I'm going to destroy you Simon" Gaspard said with loathe in his voice.

Suddenly, rock Simon gained tiny wheels and raced away.

"I'M STILL GOING TO TATTLE ON YOU" rock with wheels Simon said as he made his way to Antarctica.

"Oh yeah well I'm telling mummy and daddy that you're homophobic and they'll disown you again!1!!" Gaspard said challengingly. He became the flash and chased rock with wheels Simon.

Simon the HomelessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora