Chapter 15: Stuck In The Past

Start from the beginning

"'akhbirna bimakan qaeidatik waqad tajealuha hayatan lak qiteat alhura' al'amrikiati!" He screamed. (Tell us where your base is and you might make it out alive you American piece of shit!)

"I have never pleaded for my life! And hell I am not about to start now!" Jayden forced a laugh out only to grimace at the pain she felt. "So you do what you gotta do! sa'arakum 'ayuha al'awghad fi aljahimi!" (I'll see you bastards in hell!)

That retort earned her a punch square to the face. She heard her nose crack before all went dark.

Once the memory had finished overtaking her, she focused back into reality. Even though reliving that memory felt like hours it had only been seconds. She felt someone staring at her and looked to her side to see Daryl looking at her trying to figure out why her whole presence changed. She cleared her throat and walked up to Rick who was still pointing his gun at Oscar.

"They're telling the truth. Just give them their cell block and be done with it." She whispered into his ear before turning and walking out of the laundry room.

She could feel the concern looks that bored into her back as she walked away, but she didn't stop. She didn't even go back to their cell block. She just wandered the halls gladly taking out any walkers that appeared.


Jayden had been gone a few hours. Daryl had no idea where she went or why she took off so abruptly. He wasn't worried about her safety, he knew she could take care of herself. He was worried about where she was in her mind. He knows what it's like to fight demons of the past. There were times when his own memories would appear and he could feel the scars on his back burning.

When The three men returned to the cell block, Rick and T-Dog went to check up on Herschel while Daryl hung back in the common room. He pretended to clean his crossbow but in reality he was waiting on Jayden's return. He needed to know if she was back in reality or if she was stuck in the past.


Jayden was walking back towards the cell block. She used an old towel she found to wipe the blood off of her katanas as she walked. Once they were cleaned up she sheathed them into her back holsters and rounded the corner coming into the hallway next to the cell block. She took a second to fix her hair pulling it down and brushing her fingers through it. She used the towel to clean off her hands and arms making sure to not look like a lunatic when she entered. She threw the towel to the side of the hallway and felt a surging pain in her shoulder. All the adrenaline she had cooked up had finally worn off and she could feel the ache of the bite spreading through her shoulder and down her arm.

Jayden was a bit worried about this particular bite. She had just given Herschel the rest of her antibiotics and there wasn't very much left when it came to supplies. She rolled over resolutions in her head as she walked into the common room of the cell block. She noticed Daryl sitting on top of one of the tables cleaning his crossbow; he didn't look up when Jayden entered so she continued on heading towards the cells.

"You good?" His gravelly voice sliced through the quiet room.

"I'm fine..." Jayden stopped and turned to see him looking at her. Daryl scoffed and shook his head.

"What? You have something you want to say Dixon?" She was not in the mood to deal with his antics.

Daryl stood up and walked over to her, stopping just inches away their faces close enough to feel each other's breath. He looked away for a second gathering his thoughts before looking back at her.

"You're not fine ... whatever you don't want to tell me ... fine. Get that shit on your shoulder cleaned up." His tone was cold and it sent a shiver of uneasiness down Jayden's spine.

He stalked away making a beeline for Carol. Jayden knew that's who he went to when he was angry and wanted to complain. Jayden watched his figure disappear into Carol's cell. She didn't know why he snapped at her. She had been open to him before, but after overhearing his conversation with Rick detailing her personal life, she just didn't fully trust him yet. Trust is the most important thing to her. He took that small thread of trust she handed him and cut it. It might be a while before she hands him another. Jayden went to her bunk and pulled out her medical bag. All that was left was some gauze, sewing kits and ace bandages. She would have to make do. She headed back down to the common room for better light and access to clean water.

She sat her supplies on the table and went to scoop some water up in a bowl and grabbed a towel. She sat down on the bench and dipped the towel into the water. Once the towel was wet she brought it up to her shoulder doing her best to peer down at the wound. It was still bleeding like they usually did. They never clotted up quickly and at times she would lose so much blood that she would start to feel faint. She dabbed the wound with the wet towel clearing off the blood and some loose skin. She then took a pair of tweezers and cleared out any debris. She heard whispering behind her and looked down the hallway and saw Lori carefully watching her and whispering angrily towards Rick. Lori and Jayden didn't get along and it wouldn't surprise her if Lori was a big part of the reason Rick didn't trust her. She slammed her hand down on the table stealing their attention and moved to a different table out of their sight. As she moved her things she also saw Daryl and Carol emerge from a cell talking in harsh whispers. He looked up and saw Jayden watching before quickly turning towards the stairs and disappearing.

Shaking her head in annoyance, Jayden had finally moved out of their sights and began sewing up her wound. She had just begun but was already struggling, she couldn't see the entirety of the laceration so she was basically sew blind. She heard the click of Rick's boots coming into the room and did her best to ignore it. Rick came and sat down in front of her.

"Do you mind?" She grimaced as she continuously sewed. "I'm a little busy." She finished through gritted teeth.

"One second." He said, before getting up and leaving the room.

Jayden heard him leave and within a minute he was back but another pair of boots walked alongside him. Carol appeared at Jayden's side as she surveyed Jayden's injury.

"Here I'll do it, It will be faster and neater." She took the needle from Jayden's hand and continued sewing. Rick once again sat in front of Jayden with his hands crossed on the table.

"Lori didn't seem too happy. Let me guess it's about me?" She raised her eyebrows as she waited for his response.

"Yea she saw your bite ... She wants the cell locked again until you go through the fever." He sighed.

"No need Rick, I've already got it planned out. I am taking a temporary leave until the fever subsides." Jayden nodded.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Carol asked with worry in her voice.

"Just for a few days and don't worry I'm not leaving the prison. There is a guard tower above the cell block where we dropped off the prisoners. I'm going to stay up there." Jayden saw that this did not calm Carol's nerves,

"We don't even know them, it won't be safe for you to be alone up there. We've all seen how weak you get with that fever." Rick's voice was full of worry now too.

"Guys, I'll be fine. Those latch doors lock from the outside so prisoners you know... can't escape. I'll be fine." She stood up once Carol was done and headed towards her cell.

Daryl was on the floor pretending to sleep when Jayden walked up the stairs. Carol had reprimanded him like a child about what he said to Jayden. He was now pissed at both of them for a reason he can't name. Once she stepped over him to get to her cell he silently said goodnight to her. 


Hey Guys! So this is a shorter chapter, but it is really just a filler. I just wanted to set up some things for the next chapter. I still hope you enjoyed this. I put a lot of work into these chapters, even the filler ones! Please give it a vote if you enjoyed it and leave a comment. I love hearing what you have to say! There is a different language showcased in this chapter and if it is translated wrong I sincerely apologize I do not speak arabic haha. I'll be updating soon so be on the lookout!


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