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"VALENTINE!" yelled someone from above. It was just a few more seconds before she would run out of air. She tried to swim up for air but she just couldn't... "VALENTINE!" she heard another person yell her name. She closed her eyes before she heard a splash in the water. She felt somebody swimming up, bringing her to the surface. Somebody was doing CPR on her. She was unconscious but she felt everything. Suddenly Valentine spat out some water. "Val!" she heard Nikki's voice. It was far away but close at the same time... "Val! Please wake up!" she heard Nikki's voice again. She wanted to scream but she couldn't..finally she heard another familiar voice."Come on Valentine wake up." suddenly she opened her eyes. In front of her were all her friends. "Thank you so much sir for helping our friend!" Thanked Mia. "No problem. Just tell her not to swim in places she can't swim again." The guy said. She couldn't make out his voice..it was familiar but it also wasn't... "Valentine I'm so glad you're ok!" said Nikki hugging Valentine. "What even happened?!" asked Celeste. "Well, I don't know...I was playing Marco Polo and somebody was behind me and then.." she stopped talking. "Huh? What's wrong? Why aren't you talking?" asked Celeste shaking Valentine. "Who wasn't above the water?.. during that time?." asked Valentine. "Uhm..everyone was.." said Deliah. "Leylani and Nikki were talking above the water, Mia and Kiara was in a corner playing with us, Celeste was behind you, and Tina and I were talking at the edge of the pool." explained Deliah."Well that doesn't make sense..I was pulled by something under the water!" said Valentine. "Oh.. hm.." said Deliah shaking her head. "That's very confusing-but all that matters is you are ok!" said Nikki smiling. "Now. I swear if this bad luck that's happening at my party doesn't end right now Im fighting someone!" she facepalmed herself and got up. Nikki helped Valentine up and they smiled. "We better stay away from dangerous things... let's just talk!" said Tina. "Yeah, it would be much better if nobody got hurt!" laughed Kiara
They all laughed and started talking with each other. Valentine was still confused. If nobody was under the water then who pulled her down?
Time goes by and they all go to a restaurant and eat some food there when they were done they all wave goodbye to each other.
Valentine was still a bit shaken up from in the pool, luckily after all that the spotlight was all on Nikki. She talked to her afterward and said it was one of the best parties she went to. She said that she got free drama, her best friend with her, and amazing food. But she also mentioned something about meeting a hot guy by the pool. Was she talking about the guy who helped her? Valentine didn't really care at that moment and when she got home she fell asleep in an instant.

•~The next day~•
The party hangover was kicking in now.She was not ready for work today. "Urgh..." she moaned as she got out of bed and started her morning routine.She finally got to her car and drove to the hotel.Today she had to be extra nice.Since she could get fired and didn't want Leylani to expose her secrets.She wasn't there when Valentine almost drowned.It's kind of weird...But it's nothing to worry about since Nikki says that Leylani went to the bathroom during that time.She got to the hotel and put on her best smile and a good mood. She was getting a headache all morning and when she got to take a break she went to get some pills in her locker. "Well, you seem extremely wasted from yesterday." snickered Leylani. "Yeah, yeah it's not my fault I had a great time-just don't get in my personal space." replied Valentine." And how did you guys even meet?" she asked. "Well, I'm her sister.Duh!" Leylani flipped her hair. "What." she stared at her in disbelief I thought her sister was away in Italy married to a millionaire!" said Valentine. "Hmm, that's half true." "I was married to this millionaire in Italy but he divorced me because he said he found a more beautiful girl!" Leylani scoffed. "What a girl with more beauty than you? That's impossible!" Val chuckled. "And by the way, we aren't friends.I still despise you." Leylani rolled her eyes at Val. "Well, I didn't say that but ok." Val shrugged it off and then went back to her reception."Hi how can I help you today?" greeted Valentine. "Remember me?" grinned Lucas. "Do you have a hotel room you want to book sir?" Val asked with a serious face. She wasn't having this.Now that he knows where she is working he will probably stalk her.."No, but I want to book you if you know what I mean~" he smirked. "Sir, Im going to have to ask you to leave if you aren't here to book a hotel room." "Come on Val~ It mee Lucas, Lukey Lu-" before he could continue naming his awful cringy nicknames she gave him. She called security. "Sorry sir. But I told you that you have to book a room to come here or your visiting someone." she looked at him with a serious face still on. Valentine helped more clients and was interrupted when she was called to Oscars office."Ugh..what does he want now?I haven't been rude to anybody have I?" she thought to herself. "Sorry ma'am-" she clicked on the intercom to his office and said, "I'll be right there boss." she turned to help the client, and then when she was done she asked somebody to fill in for her. "Thanks, Zach." she thanked as she walked to Oscar's Office.She entered an elevator to his office and saw a little girl and her mom enter. She had short curly ginger hair and the cutest little rainbow dress on. She looked just like Valentine when she was younger.The little girl looked up to Valentine and smiled. She tugged on her mom's dress and said, "Mommy! She looks just like me! And she's so pretty!" the girl said happily to her mom. Her mom looked at Valentine and then back at her daughter "Yeah, she does look like you." The mom told her daughter and smiled at her. Valentine smiled and when she got to Oscar's office she waved goodbye to the girl. Valentine could hear the girl get excited about Val waving to her. She wishes she was still like that... Valentine entered Oscar's office. "You wanted to see me?" asked Val. "Yes, do you know this man?" Oscar showed Valentine a photo of Lucas in the girls' lockers. "Oh damn it..what did he do now.." she thought to herself. "Yes, I know that man."  she sighed as she told him that. "Well it's come to my attention that he has been snooping around your locker and had been asking staff when you work because he has a package for you." he raised an eyebrow as he saw her shocked face. "Something wrong?" he asked her. "Yes, something bad-you see that's my ex.He's been stalking me since yesterday and erm.. he's been trying to get back with me, but it's not the reason you think it's for." she facepalmed and sighed. "And?What's the reason." Oscar sat down in his chair and gestured for her to sit down on the chair in front of him.She sighed and sat down. "Alright, this man is my ex as you know-he cheated on me with 9 different women but that's beside the point- He recently was released from jail, because he murdered a lot of women for rejecting him..and...I'm pretty sure he's only stalking me and wanting to get back with me is that he wants to kidnap me and force me to marry him." Valentine said and stayed silent for a bit. "Oh..well cant the police just arrest him for stalking?" Oscar looks confused at her. "Uhm.. well I have already sent a report to them about him and they haven't touched the case yet." "It's really dumb, I know but he just won't leave me alone." Valentine facepalmed. "No, no it's fine, do you even have a plan to stop him?I mean I can kick him out of the hotel for you." he leaned forward. "Well, that would help but not a lot...I mean he will find my apartment building, even if this is New york city it's still easy to find anyone here." Valentine sighed. "I can't think about how to stop this dude.Just something for you to remember, he's a retired spy.And is very sneaky.." "Well I don't tell everybody this but since we are on the topic, I was also a spy once.It was too dangerous and I had to give up and pursue my father's dream of becoming head of his company." whispered Oscar. "Well, that's a nice fact but how will it come in handy?" she sighed once more. "Hear me out here, I can contact my old spy company and they could make him a target and catch him-I mean he is a threat." Oscar offered. "Hm, I don't know since it's not that important.." she sighed. "No.Tell you what I have a plan. This might work or it might not but, what If I pretended to be your fake boyfriend so that he could think, that you're not alone and that if he tried to hurt you, you could hurt him back?"

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