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"Oscar!" Valentine gave a faint smile and hugged him when she recognized him. He hugged her back and rubbed her back,he then pulled away. "Damn,what the hell did they do to don't deserve any of this..." he said,a tear falling from his eye.

The emotional moment was interuppted by The big man,his gang and some tall,muscled men.

A flashlight shone onto Valentine and Oscar. 

"What the-" the big man looked confused.Celeste took a step forward and her eyes widend when she saw Oscar "Hey! I thought Axel killed you!"

"Well I guess not." Oscar said getting up and protecting Valentine behind him. "You aren't laying another finger on her." he threatend. "Yeah right,what are you gonna do? You're just as weak as pumpkin over there." chuckled the big man.

"You wanna try me?" Oscar said balling his fists up. Oscar took a step forward and so did the big man. The big man threw a punch,but Oscar dodged it and grabbed his arm mid-air and twisted it.
"Oww!" the big man yelped as he tried hitting Oscar with his other hand. "Not so fast." Oscar said and kicked him in his groin. "OWW!!" The big man yelled and fell to the floor,making the floor rumble.

"Who's next?!" Oscar said,feeling the adrenaline in his veins,but still wanting to protect Valentine. Another man came up to him and they all started to try and fight Oscar.

Punches flew,they hit Oscar and he also dodged them,damn this man was good at fighting. Up until the last man tried to fight him. This man was tall,he had broad shoulders,tattoes all over his body,big muscles,but most of all- he had a series of scars on his face.

The man smiled,an almost familiar smile came from him.Oscar could've sworn that he knew this guy and then suddenly Oscar remembered where he saw this man before.

"Owen..?" Oscar lowered his fists. " that you..?"

Owen was Oscar's childhood bestfriend. They were inseparable as kids and would sometimes take turns at who's house they were sleeping at that week.

"Hmpf..." Owen grunted. He didn't care that he had been reunited with his childhood bestfriend,afterall he was after the money. "Come on Owen...we don't have to-" before Oscar could say anything Owen punched him through the face and sent him flying against a wall.

"Ow.." Oscar groaned as he clutched his stomach. "C-c-come on dude..." he groaned,trying to get up. "No,it's time for revenge." Owen said,walking towards Oscar and then putting his hands around his neck,almost choking him. "You don't think I forgot that you killed my one true love?" he chuckled. "W-what-?" Oscar said,confused. "You killed Cecila,and I will never forgive you." Owen said,tears in his eyes and pulling his hand back,ready to punch him. "Let me give you another reason why you'll never forgive me.." Oscar groaned and kicked him in his groin area.

"Damn it!" Owen said,falling to the floor and groaning in pain. "Ow,damn it that hurt!" he said putting his hand where Oscar kicked him. Oscar stood up,his neck was bloodred,he rubbed his neck and sighed. "One thing you should know Owen..." Oscar groaned and put his foot on his chest. He then pulled out a gun,"You don't hurt the things I love" he said this as he pulled the guns trigger and BOOM he was dead.

..In the distance Valentine was laying on the cold,stone floor. She was bleeding heavily and she had bruises all over her body and was on the point of pasing out or worse,dying.

Oscar kicked the corpse away and rushed to Valentine's side. "Valentine?" he said,holding her wounded body in his arms,flashbacks came rushing in as he held her,that night in the office. "Come on...stay awake for me please.." he begged,tears dripping down his cheeks. She coughed and gave him a faint smile,her eyes looked like they would close any second now, she finally managed to talk,
"This is me praying that,this was the very first page,not where the story line ends.My thoughts will echo your name,until I see you again...these are the words I held back- as I was leaving too soon...I was enchanted to meet you..." she then closed her eyes and he cried,holding her closely.

"Please...I don't want to do this again..."

The Boss.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora