Chapter 29

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Sorry for that delay. I've come to terms with what happened at that car wreck and I've made my peace. Unfortunately, in my line of work, I'll have to get used to it. Please drive safely out there because others don't.

(For emphasis, I AM NOT INJURED. I came after the wreck. I'm fine physically.)

The hunt for an artist to do commissions for my stories is on. Sent a message to Jackrip, but there's no movement on that yet. Any of you know other artists or are some yourself? If so, send some references for me to look at cause I'm offering solid US legal mint.

Also, this story will be coming to a conclusion soon. The beginning of the end. With that said, I've flown in writing my next so don't worry. (See previous chapter start for details.) There will be some nice callbacks to this story in my next.

As a word of encouragement for my next story, buckle up. The psyops will be numerous and it WILL be subtle about MANY things in the lore and world. There will be some heavy inferencing needed. LOTS of speculation will be had and a SHITLOAD of hints for specific things in the story. Lies and secrets will be made and kept.

On the first chapter, there will be a quote which not only applies to the story and it's characters, but for you all, the readers, as well.

Take heed for that quote when you read it.

Also, for my longtime readers, if you thought Mikhail Stachenvsky couldn't catch a break...hoo boy.

Finally, I've put my discord in my Wattpad User Bio. Come and say hi.


Dietrich looked down upon the kingdom from horseback. It was night time. Two more days had passed and the others had arrived hours ago.

A short greeting, explanation, and battle plan had been drawn once Kasma, Sehth'ker, and the other humans rolled up in their cart.

A plan was quickly devised, with Sehth'ker taking the cart into the village under the pretext of supplies and trading goods.

Cynfael would take to the skies and high rooftops to survey the scene and scout for potential ways to find intelligence.

And Dietrich...

Dietrich would go right through the front gates with Kasma and his steed.

He would attract as much attention to the gates as possible and hopefully the others could move through the town a little easier.

Cynfael would remain near them and when the time was right, he would guide them to where they needed to go. Kasma had prepared every memory of the kingdom that he could throttle, deducing that the location of the magical rituals would be near what he called "The Arcanium."

Dietrich had also made his decision when talking to the others. It was not his time or his place in the land of the Thrask.

"To be a god is not what was meant for me." He thought, glaring down at the town below. "But I think that the title 'God of the Hunt' would be most fitting."

Titles and royalty aside, Dietrich had told Kasma to his face that he would miss him dearly, and even Sehth'ker for that matter. His wishes extended to Cynfael as well.

They were pleased to see that Dietrich was so open about his feelings and that he was being genuine in them as well. The feelings of loss would be mutual.

"Much has changed. Look at how far I've come." He thought. It was every facet of his life. Emotions. Tactics. Words.

Dietrich would have never gone with with a plan where he would be in the middle of things like he was. If this had happened when he first arrived, he would have tried to scout around at a distance.

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