The mysterious girl

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( 3rd Person P.O.V)

     The sound of swords clashing fills the air. A group of students are sparring with each other and having fun.

Two boys one blonde and the other with dark brown hair are sparring together.

"Common' Bal! Where is all that enthusiasm from yesterday?" The blonde guy asks the brunette while swinging his sword over his head.

They try not to strain themselves too much after the activity from the night before. A blush threatens to creep on the gentleman's face.

"Give me a break Ambrosius! Last night was my first time." He spoke into Ambrosius' ear so the others couldn't hear.

"Mine too," Ambrosius whispered back leaning closer to say, "I love you, Bal."

The blush deepened and the Burnett is about to lose when a loud *Boom* was heard above the institute and an object fell straight towards them.


The object finally stops and lands in a training field. The students scream and yell about the events.

"What is that?"

"Did someone break in again?"

"Go get the director! And the Queen!"

It was madness as people started to draw their weapons on the contraption.

"Ballister! Open the door!" someone orders the brunette.

With a steady hand, he slowly opens the door to see a young girl. She was slumped over the wheel of the device and looked unconscious.

"Are you ok?" Ballister asks the girl as he tries to pull her out.

"Papa...." was all she could muster before she does pass out.

Moments later the director and the Queen arrive at the training hall.

"What's going on here?"

The students give an account of the events while Ballister tends to the girl. The Queen sends for medical giving Ballister and Ambrosius the task to take her there.

As the two of them walk they take in her features.

She is easily 5 ft and 6 inches.

Dark brown with blonde highlights hair so long it reaches the back of her knees.

Black and white crop top and skirt with gold patterns. Black and white pantyhose with a gold design And gold ankle boots.

She also had two swords on her hip. One pure white with gold and the other black as night with gold.

"Did you get her name, Bal?"

"I didn't. She passed out before I could get any information. But, she said the strangest thing."

"What did she say?"

"She was calling for her father."


"She said 'Papa' so she must have meant father. We need to find out who her father is."

They arrived at the palace doctor who made sure to place the girl on the mattress.

"I'll take care of her," the apprentice addressed Ambrosius giving a somewhat flirtatious smile.

After thanking the doctor and his apprentice the pair left to tell the Queen what the girl had said.

"Ah! Sir, Ballister. What can I do for you?"

"The young woman spoke before she passed out."

Ballister explained what happened and was granted permission to do whatever it took to find the girl's father.

Taking the advice of the doctor they drew blood to see if she was a match for anyone. As well as her who she was.

While they waited for the results of the bloodwork they decided to look through the damaged device.

In the back seat was a giant duffle bag that looked to be full of clothes and another bag that contains a phone, tablet, and a bunch of other electronics.

They try to look through it but, it's password protected.

All they could do was wait for the bloodwork to see who her parents are.

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