The Next morning

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(Selena P.O.V)

Singing for everyone last night put me in a good mood. The fear from my nightmare went away and I was able to sleep. The other knights looked sleepy as well.

The next morning was business as usual. People were getting ready. My duel was being advertised around the realm.

In a room with the other knights, we get ready. Everyone is messing around laughing and joking.

"Hey, Ambrosius. Can you help me tape my hands?" I ask as I hand him the athlete tape. He was hesitant about it till I told him what to do.

"Taping? What's that?" a cadet asked as she watched Ambrosius follow my instructions.

"It helps increase grip strength." I explained while pretending to grip a sword and swing it down.

From the corner of my eyes I see a familiar blond Mohawk handing out swords. My smile widens for another person I'm close to is here. "Uncle Diego!" I exclaimed jumping from my spot to his back.

This surprised him as he looks at me with confusion. "Oh, Lady Selena. From the future right?"

"That's me!"

"Did you just call me 'Uncle'?"

"Yes I did. It's more of an honorary position."

The two of us talked for a while before we were rudely interrupted. "You know the squire?"

"Not just him..... I am somewhat close with almost all the squires during the time my Papa and Daddy were cadets." I smiled pointing out my relationship with everyone.

"You're not gonna wear armor?" someone asked me with a perplexed look.

"I've never needed it. I'll be fine." I mused jumping to my feet.

"Well, it's time for us to show off our skills!" I yelled upon hearing the sound of people cheering in the crowed. People were finding their seats waiting with anticipation. I waited in one of the halls as I whispered some words to myself.

"My body is a powerful force of strength, resilience, and perseverance." I recite this phrase over and over to myself until I am satisfied.

After I had finished I heard a voice to the left of me. "Pray all you want. You're never gonna be as good as me."

"Oh, it's you Todd... I'm not praying. It's an affirmation. That I used before a match." I informed him walking away before he could say anything else.

As well as to calm down Ambrouses who looks like he is about to pop. Ballister and I hold out our arms so he doesn't go off on him. "Wow, you two really are the embodiment of the Yin Yang." I teased skipping away and giggling.

We each waited our turn to be announced before entering the Arena.

"And now the moment you all have been waiting for...... the girl from the future..... Selena Valerin Boldheart-Goldenloin!!!!"

 The crowd gives a courtesy clap as I walk down the isle

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The crowd gives a courtesy clap as I walk down the isle. Waving to both sides smiling. People are amazed by my appearance as they ohh and aah.

In one of the sets I catch the eye of a young boy. Black hair and brown eyes. I know exactly who it is and I blow him a kiss.

Nimona in her demon baby form blushes and pretends to catch it. I am still walking the isle as I hear statements among them.

"Wow so this is her?"

"She really does look like the both of them"

"Duel wielding is going to be tough."

"She should be in a kitchen."

I keep my composure as I continue to walk joining everyone in the middle. The announcers then talk about why we are gather here.

"...... let's see if her words hold true!!!"

I rolled my eyes at the comment but stay in place nonetheless. The crowd cheers louder when they see people they like.

The reporters walk up to some of the cadets as they talk to them with a little interview.

"Well Now we have here the Woman of the hour Ms.Selena how are you darling?" Nate asked holding out the microphone to my mouth.

"I'm feeling good Nate, like I could take on the world."

"Hahahah an energetic lady.... How long have you been training?"

"I've been fighting since I was about four years. With the sword I think I was seven or eight." I inform while tapping my chin and I notice their faces "don't get me wrong, it's not that they started me earlier than anyone else's. I just had a lot of energy as a kid. So I did anything and everything."

They smiled again and left to go interview someone else. Leaving me alone with Ballister and Ambrosius.

"I'm fine you two. It takes a lot more than that to rattle me." They just patted me on the back while giving me a reassuring smile

Nimona Fanfic: The daughter from the future!? (daughter OC)Where stories live. Discover now