Forced Marriage (pt3)

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Yay! onto part 3





Cross stuttered out.

His father ,X, walked up to him, but Cross backed away until his back hit the wall.

X was now in front of him, and he harshly grabbed Cross by the jaw, making him yelp in pain.

"I see you're still as Pathetic as ever."
X snarled.
"You don't seem to have changed. Have I taught you nothing, Cross?"

Cross was shaking. He was reminded of the childhood he endured back home. It was terrible.
And his jaw was starting to hurt from how tight the grip was.

"Please....I don't w-want to go through that a-again..."
The smaller whimpered.

Of all the times to be alone, he didn't  want to be alone with Him, Cross was internally begging that someone come get him, anyone, even Nightmare would suffice.

X seemed to notice him looking at the doors. Knowing what he was thinking, he laughed, and Cross flinched at the action.

"Please don't tell me you believe Nightmares gonna come to your aid."

Cross froze.

"Oh Cross, do you believe he cares? Do you think he actually likes you?"
He smirked.
''Remember the type of person Nightmare actually is. I can see right through those fake smiles. Believe me when I say that you mean nothing to him."

Cross lowered his head as soon as X let go of him. He looked to the ground as tears began to prick his eyes.

"Any form of affection he gives you in times like these are only to fool those around you. You're nothing to him but another vessel to his kingdom."
X snarled.

Cross placed most of his weight onto the wall, still looking to the floor.
'There really is no hope for me is there...'
He thought.

"Tch, remember you deserve what you get."
And with that, he left. Cross was officially alone.

And overwhelmed again....

He ran out of the castle and into the garden. No one seemed to be there. The moon was high in the sky, its glow illuminated the garden, and it was beautiful.

And there he stood in the middle of it all, Tears fell down his face as he muffled yet another sob.


As X walked back to the ballroom, by the door, there were 4 guardsmen who stopped him.

"What's the meaning of this?"
X asked, growling.

"It's his Majesties orders, sir. we must escort you out."

X roared.

"I don't appreciate any of what you told my spouse."
Nightmare snarled.

X turned around to face the King, startled at what he heard.

"Your Majesty, there must be a -"

"Save it."
Nightmare snarled, baring his fangs.
"I Heard everything, I Saw everything. Don't fucking play coy with."

X huffed,
He thought.

"I should cut your hand off for even touching him."
Nightmare sent a tendril to wrap itself around X's wrist tightly and pull him forward, making him fall on his knees.

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