"Nevaeh" He yelled as he walked towards her till she was backed up against the wall where she still efficiently ignored,

"You're a bitch" She finally yelled, spitting in his face right after, 

He groaned as he punched the wall multiple times till there was a tiny crack,

And when he looked up, her unafraid chestnut eyes bored through him,

She was unmoved and didn't even flinch,

She shook her head in obvious distaste and disappointment, before ducking under his arm and making her way to her vanity,

"Nevaeh" He whispered,

"What?" She yelled,

"Look, I'm sorry, I would never hit you" He whispered,

"Of course you wouldn't, I'd kill you before you did" She threatened as she looked into his eyes through the mirror,

"Nevaeh" He sighed,

"You should take your pent up madness to the anger room downstairs before you actually hit me" She whispered before she made her way to the bed,

Intentionally bumping her shoulder against his arm as she walked past,

He made sure to slam the door hard on his way out of the room,

Nevaeh sighed as she sat on the bed, hugging her knees as warm tears ran down her face,

She sobbed herself to sleep,

She was more than surprised the next morning when she eventually woke up in Miles' arms,

"Good morning, princess" He smiled as he kissed her forehead,

Nevaeh moved away from him wordlessly like he was the death flu,

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked as she walked away,

"When does church start?" She asked, ignoring him as he sighed, dragging his hand along his face,

"By eleven" He mumbled as he got up to make his way to the door,

"And where are you going?" She asked,

"I'm going to run a few errands before then for my mom, I'll pick you up" He answered as he opened the door,

"So, should I wait downstairs when I'm done?" Nevaeh asked,

"No, that'd be stressful, I'll call you when I get back" He answered just before he left her room,

As she picked out one of the dresses her aunt had restocked her wardrobe with,

Normally, the mornings in Brooklyn were characterized with a few to no number of crimes,

Her band beeped, 

"27 court street, car theft" Xanthe said, 

Nevaeh sighed as she dropped the dress,

"Church would have to wait"


She was a few blocks away from her house when her phone started to ring,

"It's Miles, isn't it" She sighed,

"Yes, and it's 10:54, just wanted to let you know" Xanthe answered,

Nevaeh saw him leaning against the car, tapping on the screen, obviously texting someone,

She snuck in through the window,

She picked up her dress, putting it on quickly before realizing she had the wrong side on,

She groaned as she corrected her mistake,

Her phone beeped continuously,

Mine alone💕: I'm waiting downstairs

 : Hey?

 : Where are you, Vi?

 : I know it's summer, but it's still kinda cold out here

Nevaeh: Stop being a drama queen🙄

Mine alone💕: You're being so insensitive, Vivi🫠

 : But fr, hurry up, we're late af

Nevaeh: I'll be down in a sec, boo😙

ine alone💕: I thought you were mad🙄

Nevaeh: I AM😑

Mine alone: Babeeee


Miles opened the door of the car so she could get in before walking around the car to get into the driver's seat,

"Why don't you put on a jacket?" He asked,

"I don't want to" She answered as she scrolled through her phone,

He shrugged as he started the engine,

Nevaeh looked at the black band on his wrist which let out a small red glow at every two second interval,

Miles didn't go out on errands,

He was out prowling,

And when they got to the church, they were about thirty minutes late and the sermon had started,

Luckily, Anza looked back when they stepped in and waved gesturing for them to come sit on the pew she was sharing with Rio and a few other people,

There were only two spaces left so they took it,

"I'm so cold" Nevaeh complained as they took their seats,

"I did tell you to put on a jacket" He shrugged,

"You didn't say it was going to be this cold" She shuddered,

"Do you want my hoodie?" Miles asked,


When it was time for the closing prayer, Nevaeh had made up her mind that she would probably freeze to death,

Her teeth were chattering, she tried to rub her hands together to generate some kind of heat as the minister told them to bow their heads in prayer,

She found out that she couldn't even move so she stayed up,

When the prayer had started and Miles had leaned over, she placed her hand on the warm and soft surface of his arm,

He reached out his hand, snatching her hand in his, intertwining their fingers as he brought it up to his lips, giving it a tender kiss which left Nevaeh blushing like a fool throughout the whole afternoon.

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