Chapter 46: The Disarray

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When Markris drove into his mother's compound, he felt exhausted. Still, he jumped out of the car and walked straight into the house. He was about to open the door when it pushed open from inside.

"Mark?" Jorginho's eyes bulged as he stared from head to toe at his friend. "Is that you?"

He hissed and pushed him out of his way. "Ignore the hair, man. Where is Lorena?" Soon as he stepped in, he came face to face with a host of eyes just watching him in awe.

His eyes traveled around, doing a quick headcount. He still refused to believe Lorena was missing. It was all a prank. Any moment from now, they would bring her out, and he would hold her in his arms again. He'll sniff her scent, and everything will be alright.

"Son?" Madam Sapphire got up and slowly walked towards him. "Is that you?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, it's me." He scrunched his face, throwing his hands out wide. "Why does everyone keep asking that, and most importantly, where is my wife?"

"It's the hair, I guess. Makes you look a caveman." Ariana shrugged, throwing a handful of chips into her mouth.

"Babe." Hermes sitting beside her kicked her legs from underneath the table.

"What? No one appreciates honesty anymore." Her bright eyes suddenly dolled, and her lips began to quiver.

"Don't cry, my love." Hermes grabbed the bag of chips to set it aside so he could comfort her, but she yanked it away from his hands.

"Who said I'm going to cry? You're just guilty cus you did this to me," She turned her attention back to Markris.

"Your friend did this to me! He put me in this position, and now my hormones are everywhere. All over the place!" She snarked and pushed another handful into her mouth.

Markris watched the whole scene in stunned silence. They were a lot of things to unpack. So many things had happened since he left, but first, he needed to see Lorena. He didn't trust himself to remain sane if he didn't see her soon.

"Is anyone ready to answer my question now?" He turned his head around, searching their faces as he did. "Jorge?" He threw his face to the wall, the paintings suddenly taking a fascinating shade.


"Uhmm, Mark..." He started but snapped his mouth shut. He wasn't sure how to explain without risking the wrath of a riled-up Markris.

Markris's eyes moved from him when it was apparent he wasn't going to be hearing what he wanted to hear. It laid to rest on Ariana, who was munching on that chips like it was her last meal on earth. "Ariana?" He called gently, and she raised her head. "Do you know where your best friend is?"

"I think she needs to nap now. Didn't you say you were tired, babe?" Hermes said, finding his voice.

"What?" She raised a brow, giving him a confused look. "I'm not sleepy, and you all need to stop being weird. Look, Markris..,"

"Ariana?" Sapphire warned.

"Would you all just allow her to speak!" He screamed, unable to control his irritation.

"Well, if you're so hell-bent on knowing, well, here's the truth," Sapphire turned to him, anger burning in her voice.

" You left the woman you're acting like you care about alone with a broken heart for three months.

A month ago, she fainted and was rushed to the hospital. Three days later, she went missing. We've been doing everything possible to find her ever since, and that's the truth!"

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