Chapter 44: The Convo

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Lorena whistled, her eyes doing a quick one-eighty. "You know when you told me life has been good? I wasn't expecting a mansion." They had arrived at Marcielo's house, and from what she could see, he was doing more than okay. One year she had changed a lot. A whole lot.

"I guess I got lucky." He laughed, picking up her bag. Banging the car door shut, he ushered her into the house.

"Luck?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Common Marci, you can't be modest about something like this. Your hard work has finally paid off, and there's nothing wrong with boasting a little."

He chuckled, recalling he was dealing with a perpetually optimistic woman. "Okay, Belle, I'm glad my hard work paid off."

"Much better!" She smiled.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." He said, gesturing towards the stairs.

They climbed up the stairs past several rooms before finally arriving at a particular space.

"How many rooms are here again?" She raised a brow, looking around.

"Six, I think. I wanted something smaller, but my sisters insisted on this." He explained. Turning the key to the door, he pushed it open, and they stepped inside the room.

"Do they visit often?" She asked, going straight for the bed.

"As often as they can." He replied, gently placing her bag in the closet and returning to the door.

"These are so soft." She caressed the sheets with her hands as her eyes took in the room. Not only was it spacious, but it also smelled like lavender.

If the decision to bring her to his house weren't spontaneous, she would have sworn he planned it. She inhaled deeply, her feet wobbling above the floor.

"Do you like your new room?" He asked, leaning on the door frame. This position allowed him to observe her without any restrictions. He could look at her in ways he had never been able to.

The fact that she was in his house now still felt like a dream to him. A plan he needed some time to connect with reality.

"I love it. It's something new and refreshing. Plus, the lavender? That is some smart choice, Marci." She said, giving him a thumbs up.

"I'm glad you like it," He shuffled his feet in readiness to leave. "Anyway, my room is just three doors down if you need anything."

"I do think the baby needs something." She said, rubbing her stomach.

"Oh really?" He raised a brow, an amused smile dancing around the corner of his lips.

"Yep. I think they're hungry." She said, faking a yawn.

He laughed, shaking his head as he did. "I'll go prepare something for you to eat, Belle. Meet me down in about twenty minutes?"

"Okay." She nodded.

When Marcelo left, Lorena went into the bathroom to freshen up. She couldn't be more grateful to be in an average home bathroom with a functional bathtub. She didn't miss that hospital smell at all. She has hated the air of sickness and misery with a passion. Now she was free of not only the hospital but also her family.

Where are they going to be mad at her for running away again? Possibly. However, no one could say she didn't try her best to keep her composure. For too long, she had put everyone first. It was time she started thinking of herself first, especially when a baby was involved.

She shut her eyes tight and allowed the water to wash over her. "Three months pregnant?" She was barely even showing. If she hadn't fainted that day, she never would have found out she was pregnant and that she was having the bastard's baby.

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