Chapter 14: The Shocking News

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"Where is Lorena?" Paolo Cicero screamed, frightening the children around. The two bodyguards he came with, dripped in all black, walked around trying to find her. He looked everywhere, barely recognizing the place. The last time he had been here, it was to warn the lady Pallas to stay away from his wife. It was ironic that he was back here again but for his child this time.

"You?" He pointed at a little boy holding a ball. "Where is Lorena?" His voice was booming, causing the little boy to shudder in fright. This only made Paolo grow even more impatient. "Don't you have a voice?" He stepped forward when a door pushed open, and a woman came out. He turned around and saw the lady Pallas staring straight at him.

"Bastard!" She muttered under her breath before smiling as she approached his presence. "Paolo! It's so great to have you visit us today." She said.

"Where is Lorena?" He replied, not playing her stupid games. It was apparent she wanted to act all cool in the presence of the children, but his patience had long thinned out. He didn't care if he frightened them. All he wanted was Lorena.

"Hey kids, what do you say about going in." She crouched, so she could reason with the kids playing outside of her office.

"Who is the mean man?" Tatiana pointed a trembling finger at Paolo.

"Tati? What did I tell you about speaking ill of anyone?" She addressed the little girl, raising a stern brow.

"But he's....."

"No buts, my darling. I need all of you to go in while I get the head chef to prepare cookies for everyone?"

"Cookies?" They said in unison, their eyes lighting up.

"Of course." She laughed and shooed them off. They all sprinted away, already forgetting the mean man requesting for the lady Lorena.

Slowly, Signora Pallas rose to her feet and turned around to face Paolo, who two other men had now joined.

"Did you find her?" His booming voice questioned the men beside him, and they shook their heads.

"Where have you hidden her?" He snapped, staring at her with a deathly glare.

She eyes him cooly before shaking her head. The man had not changed in years. She had seen him briefly on Lorena's wedding day, which never happened, but it had been from afar. Seeing him closer made her realize he had barely aged. He was still the handsome man her friend foolishly fell for. He was still the arrogant ass she detested with a passion. "Who exactly do you think you are to drive your fancy car into an orphanage and scare my children? Who do you think you are to question the whereabouts of a daughter you fed to the wolves for your selfish gain?" With each word she said, her voice grew pitchier. "Do you consider yourself a father, Paolo? Tell me who the hell you think you are!" Her voice trembled as she poured out every ounce of hate in her heart in the words she directed at him.

"Who am I?" His lips spread into a grin that showed his dimples. "I understand now," He nodded. "I understand why you let yourself get carried away thinking you could cross me and go Scott free. You have forgotten who I am," He took two steps toward her and paused. "I'm going to ask you again, Pallas, where is Lorena?"

"You bloo..."

"I'm here." Lorena suddenly appeared, cutting off Signora Pallas. They turned their heads simultaneously to see Lorena approaching them, with Alonso beside her.

"Lorena?" Signora Pallas called, her face twisted with concern. She had hoped Lorena didn't show up. She wanted to deal with her idiotic father herself.

"Get her!" Paolo ordered, and his bodyguards immediately approached her. The lady Pallas quickly moved to stand between the men and Lorena.

"Don't you dare make another move?" She warned them, her feet sprawled apart in a battle stance. Her breath came out heavy and labored as she vowed to protect Lorena however she could.

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