Chapter 16: The Carefree

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Lorena rolled to the edge of the bed and was about to fall off when her eyes pushed open. She quickly moved into the bed again and shut her eyes tight.

"Let's try that again," She muttered, slowly opening her eyes. She sat up, yawned, and stretched until she felt a crack. "That's right." She smiled, pushing the covers that were caught between her legs.

She got off the bed and stood in the center of the room. Spreading her arms, she raised her head and inhaled deeply. The smell of lemon, coupled with the airy freshness the breeze coming from the window offered, pleased her nose. She was not snobbish, but the contrast between one of Alonso's bedrooms and the tiny space she slept in at the orphanage was dark and gloomy.

The children were the only sunshine that made it worth living. She dropped her hands and looked around for her phone. She paused when she realized the last time she had been on the device was in the clinic, which only meant it was with Signora Pallas.

"No phones?" Her fingers found her chin as it tilted back and forth. "Well, no problem then." She shrugged. Shedding off the oversized t-shirt and briefs Alonso had given her, she made her way to the door she guessed was for the bathroom.

She inhaled sharply, spotting the bathtub. "You!" Her hands clasped her chest, a hint of tears appearing at the corner of her eyes. "I've missed you!" She said, quickly turning on the tap to fill up the tub. Her roaming eyes landed on the various bath washes, and she grabbed and added them to the water. She returned to admire the bubbly magic she had created before stepping into the tub.

"Oh yeah!" She sighed as soon as the water kissed her skin. She tied her hair into a messy bun and immersed herself deeper into the water. Even if it was just for today, she planned on enjoying herself.

This day was going to be her selfish day. She would attend the launch tonight and piss her father off further when those pictures hit the internet. All this chaos while also securing a massive cheque for the orphanage. It sounded like a win for her.

"Just for one day." She thought before completely blanking her mind.

She didn't know how long she had spent in the bathroom, but by the time she stepped out, there was a new dress and lingerie on the bed.

"You darling man!" She gasped, picking up the short free dress. She took her time to dry herself before putting on the gown.

She proceeded to the dressing table with the big mirror to see if she needed anything for her skin. She used hand moisturizer and body spray. She picked up a brush and slowly brushed her hair.

A whiff of air that carried the smell of hot steamy food passed her nose, and her mouth watered. Her stomach rumbled loudly, and she quickly dropped the comb. Standing up, she pushed her legs into the slides beside her bed and went outside.

She followed the smell of the food, taking her down several stairs and into a large room. There she found Alonso bent over his laptop, typing furiously.

"Careful before you break that thing into two." She joked, a little disappointed that she had not seen the food she desired instead.

He raised his head, and the frown quickly gave way to a genuine smile that spread all over his face. "You're finally up." He said, patting the space beside him.

"Finally up?" Her face contorted as she sat beside him. "Meaning?" She stretched her hands and grabbed the fresh berries in the middle of the table.

"Don't you know what the time is?" He cheesed, watching her pop the berries into her mouth. It wasn't something to draw so much joy in anyone's heart, but that was because they did not know her as he did.

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