Part 37

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As Tarak carries me down the long metal corridors of the ship, I am of two minds. On one hand, for the past few days, I constantly feel like a princess since he will not let my feet touch the floor or leave me alone for more than a minute. On the other hand, this princess has things to do (like finish my plan), and I can't if he is always supervising my every move.

When we get to Rigel's office, Tarak unleashes me and places me on a big pillow on the couch. "I brought everything she should need."

Tarak lays out supplies on Rigel's desk: antibiotics, bowls, a big blanket, and a few boxes of berries.

"Let's go over this again. Every quarter of an Earth hour, see if she wants to eat one of these berries but mash them first."

"That often?"

Tarak clenches his fists. "When I sent you a copy of her pet care instructions, you assured me you would commit to proper pet care."

"I will take proper care of her, and I read the instructions you sent but–"

"How many times?"

"How many times what?"

Tarak growls. "How many times did you read the instructions?"

"Once, but remember, I also got instructions directly from her doctors."

"Only once? How will you remember everything?"

"I misspoke. I read the instructions several times, but this is a workday for me, and I have several appointments today."


"Don't worry. While I conduct appointments with clients, she will be secured in this room. She'll be comfortable here, there's a couch."

I eye the desk with the keyboard and the flickering wall. Finally, a computer that I can access! I'm ecstatic. but I feign boredom.

Tarak's eyes go from Rigel to me and back to Rigel. "She will be alone in this cage?"

"This is hardly a cage. I work here."

Tarak huffs. "But she is a human, not a bird like you. She won't be satisfied inside this tiny room."

Rigel's cheeks redden. "For the last time, I am not a bird, I am an Archae Bennuidae and–"

"I don't care about that. What I need to know is: Will she be properly hydrated and fed while you are out there? What about checking on her injuries throughout your work shift? She might fall and those stitches might break open, and then she'd bleed to death in your office, all because you are playing with all the other pets."

Rigel raises his voice. "I talked to her surgeons about her post-surgical care, or do you not remember? They never said she needed to have her sutures checked throughout the day, only that you need to administer antibiotics. All these other instructions are false anxieties that you have created in your mind and–"

"That's it. I will spend the first half my workday here with you, just to make sure she's safe, and then if I think you understand how to care for her properly, maybe I will go to work and then tomorrow–"

Rigel's wings flutter. "I will set an alarm to administer her antibiotics throughout the day and in fact, I already set one. Will that make you happy? I will also leave her with a bowl of water and mashed fruit. Finally, so she gets lots of stimulation, I will leave the wall unit on so she can see lots of pretty pictures."

Pretty pictures? What do they think I am?

"Could you maybe leave your camera on all day?"

"This is my office. Do you need to watch me while I work?"

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