Part 23

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When the vet pronounces my pet's healing well enough that I no longer need to change her bandages and even gives the approval for my pet to play in the park, I can barely wait for the end of the workday.

The workday does not proceed fast enough. So many subordinates making me angry, not doing as I order! I remind myself though that I can't touch them, for that might mean another visit with Rigel.

Right when I am about to leave, my boss calls me into his office.

Scourges generally do not pay much attention to the physical appearance of other scourges. Our large stature, tails, and if there is any doubt—our fangs and our big, beautiful proboscis mark us as a scourge. My boss, though, is an exception to this rule; there is something about his appearance that is unscourgelike. I think it is his nose, which is half the size of most scourges.

So, when my boss, with his too-small nose, watches me from behind his desk, my eyes dart around the room. I do this intentionally so that I do not spend too long staring at the face of my boss.

"Commander Tarak," says my boss. "How are things going with your pet?"

"She is adjusting well." Does he know about my pet's accident and is this why he's asked me here? Has Rigel interfered with my workplace again? I can't take the silence. "She is a good pet, and I would like to take her to the pet park."

"That's fine," he says. "I will be away from the office for a while."

"A mission?" I ask. It would be good for my crew to be assigned a mission and to have aliens cower before them, although... Why haven't I been asked to lead the mission?

"No, not a mission, just a simple medical procedure."

Even hearing the name of the department makes me angry since they always interfere with our affairs, not letting us go on missions.

"Medical!" I roar.

"I'm sharing this information with you because I want you to be in charge while I'm not here. Do you accept this responsibility?"

"Yes," I say, swishing my tail in satisfaction. I can barely wait for my boss to leave because if I am the top scourge at work, then I can yell at my crew and make them comply.

He dismisses me and the moment I leave my workplace, the emotion I have suppressed all day grows. I need to take my pet to the park, so I charge down the hallways, not stopping until I get home.

The Human Pet: A Sci-Fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now