Part 16

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The alarm wakes me in the morning, but I stay under my blanket until my master leaves.

I'm still embarrassed about last night. If he had been another human, I would have at least had a conversation before trying to touch him like that. I don't know how I let everything get so out of control. Were my assumptions based on the fact that we were in the pool and naked? Curiosity? None of those things were acceptable. I now know. No matter how curious I am or how much I want to touch him, I shouldn't.

The computer, though, is a necessity. I need to learn how to use it, so I clap and the wall illuminates. I crack my knuckles. So many things to try.

Tarak returns to the apartment hours later. His eyes dart toward me and he opens and closes his fists, but he doesn't approach me. My poor owner, this is all my fault and I want to release the new tension between us. I go to him, pressing my head against his hand. He chuckles, his fingers scratching my head.

He gets the leash and clips it to my collar. Then he holds up that humiliating ball gag.

Ugh, I hate that thing but if it means we go out, I will cooperate. I do not resist while he secures the buckles. Then he opens the door and together, my owner and I race down corridors.

As soon as we get through the gate, I scan the pet park and immediately notice a new male human. This human moves his hands about as he faces another scourge (his owner maybe), so I take it as a sign that this one has not had a lobotomy.

I'm excited at the chance to meet another human. With the stupid ball gag, though, I won't be able to say anything. Maybe if I bring my owner along, he'll take it off me? So, when Tarak reaches to unclip my leash, I run so fast that the leash slips out of his fingers. Soon, Tarak and I run straight at the other human, with me in the lead and Tarak bellowing behind me.

A scourge stands close to the human. This scourge does not have the big ridges that the other scourges have along the top of their heads; so, a female scourge. She points at me and taps the human. Suddenly, I can't help feeling as if the two of them are encouraging me because they both turn toward me, and the human smiles and the scourge's eyes are bright.

I keep barreling at them at full speed. It's when I'm nearly upon them that I realize I'm going too fast. I won't be able to stop. As I fall forward, it feels like everything moves in slow motion. The man's lips change from a smile into the shape of an O and then–

I crash into the person and we both fall.

My owner finally arrives, and he lifts me, checking my skin for scratches and injuries. I know the drill, so I stay limp. The female scourge looks over the other human, although she doesn't seem as dramatic as Tarak (no loud bellowing, for one thing). Eventually, her gaze falls on me. Her tail thuds against the floor.

I wince. I just got to the park, and already, I have angered another scourge. She is probably upset with me for knocking over her pet human.

Show submission.

I bow my head and squeeze my eyes shut, hoping that this might calm her and her angry tail.

Her tail thrashes much more than it did only a moment ago. Did I make a mistake again?

Tarak removes my ball gag, and he hugs me. The other scourge stops banging her tail against the floor.

I open my eyes and rub my jaw, wondering if this is some sort of test, but Tarak pushes me toward the human.

Okay, then, so I hope I will no longer make everyone so angry.

The man crawls closer to me and sits on his haunches, and he uses a common greeting in the language of the settlers.

The Human Pet: A Sci-Fi RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz